It sucks to have to be born as a girl Then hated all the craps the girls are playing But got to pr...
瑪莉生日了 她認真的說想去海邊放風箏 我很傻眼, 也很不想去 但她因此翹了早上的課 我只好硬著頭皮赴約...
The Youth Camp was over by now, and everything went on smoothly. Actually, the things had been bette...
一直聽人家說台灣人的人情味 尤其是那些老外朋友來台灣 很多人都捨不得走, 很多人因此愛上台灣 他們都說...
I was having a really great time with my Bear these days. Although the weather was bad this week, I ...
Yow, graduation day is coming this year!! I am so gald that I can is always been great fo...
I got emails from some friends in Florida. And when I read the one that Tea wrote, she mentioned," I...
台灣人真的不會開車耶.... 或是說很會開車?!!! 我現在才明白在台灣開車有多可怕 路邊停車一堆就算ㄌ 有...
那天在Joyce and David 的婚禮上 他們放著回憶過去的VCD, 邊配著他們共同的歌 Joyce 曾唱給我們聽過....歌...
I am home, thank Goddness. I am finally home...after 12 hours direct flight. Me and Janice slept...