2005-06-01 11:19:05Zona


I got emails from some friends in Florida. And when I read the one that Tea wrote, she mentioned," It is so hot now, hard to believe it is just May." I smiled, and I miss Florida so suddenly.

不知為何, 一直很記得Village East 前那個斜坡。還有只有五樓的圖書館。Some day when I was talking to the team from LA, they asked where did I go in Florida?! "Pensacola!" I said. They laughed and said they had once been there for a few days for some specific reason. And "There is nothing fun!!" I smiled too.

That is so right, there is nothing fun in Pensacola. Normally, we went to Wal-mart and Target and called it Shopping. Sometimes, we went to Godiva Mall for celebration. At every weekend day, all we can go is the Beach, and we ate some food outside and have fellowship fun. That is all we can do...there is not night market, no cheap clothes, and there is not too many good foods.

但是不知為何我好想念Pensacola......哪裡的人一口南部鄉音( 真的有喔!!), 嚴重的人像在含滷蛋( ex, my religious teacher, Mr. Crosswell. ^^) 或是地方用語一堆( like, Carol and my pastor in the Liberty Church.) 還有一堆黑人出沒, 所以很多人講話都被影響了( however, to me, I can never actually understand all what they are saying.) 那裡很遜的穿衣風格( Me and my fashionable Japanese friends are always talking about it and can not understand the reason they do not care.), 那裡很溫暖很單純的人( I have been appreciated about my clothes style many times on the streets. They would just come over and say: that is really a nice clothes/pants on you.) 還有那些個日子坐在朋友的車內大笑, 搞怪的朋友在前面一輛車, 紅燈時突然兩人一同下車, 在街上就跳起舞。後面一輛的我們超尷尬, 他們仍開懷的對我們的車招手。我總慶幸他們沒有跑到我們窗前大叫: Hey, what's up?!!!! 或是瘋狂的在壽司店用哇沙米處罰人, 笑到整間店都在震動一樣。我甚至還懷念電腦螢幕存滿Word 檔的報告的那些考前時光。

Not too many people know about Pensacola (But if you watch Truman's World, Jim Carry mentioned about Pensacola once, seriously. You shall watch the English version, so you will know.) , but I do not care. 很多人說紐約很時髦, LA 很好玩, SFO 很美......但他們不知道....Pensacola 有最棒的海灘, 最innocent 的人 和最多我們的笑聲。

I miss Pensacola...after one month back to TW. I thought I will never That much miss there. But as a matter of fact, I do.