無名小站新帳號: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/milton78J
Life oh life! Luck has hell a lot of effect upon it. Don’t take it wrong. I’m not saying that hard...
上禮拜開始每天游泳,從開始一兩天的半個鐘頭到現在的一個鐘頭,捷式、蛙式互換。 為啥要把自己搞得這麼...
I can hardly find out some exact words to describe what I feel right now. Sad? Upset? Depressed? Mel...
A 16 year-old colored high school kid with great talents in both fields of writing and shooting hoop...
Everyone’s got to find his/her special someone in time, no matter how long it takes. That one shoul...
蛻變後的湖人 (The Innovation of L. A. Lakers in the Playoff) 正規賽的洛杉磯湖人隊 (Los Angel...
透過大學老師的介紹,我接下一個兼差的工作。時間是3月中 ~ 4月中、地點是泰山職訓中心、對象是一群老黒。這...
Five people meeting in heaven. Five lessons one can learn from anywhere, anyone and anytime but so...
上禮拜出了趟遠門 --因為老媽去大陸做生意,家裡只剩弟弟在-- 所以把家裡的事情都跟小弟交代一下:澆花、倒...
Since the second year of CPBL (Chinese Professional Baseball League), I was introduced to this amazi...
中華職棒打了一個月了,依照目前的情勢看來,La New獨走大致會成為接下來中職的主軸。當然各隊都還在調整中...
話說我準備報考輔大的翻譯研究所, 之前說成績單出來的時間比截件晚一天, 我還特地跑去系辦求助教, 請...
現在時間是3/26深夜,在3/24、考試的前夕,我得到了一個好預兆和一個壞消息...... 前言: 從當兵時確...