節錄網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010305069黑暗,也是一種力量 The Dark...
What just happened?I just woke up, and I knew what I was never sure of with you.We aredifferent peop...
還算不錯的一篇文章,雖然又是拿 "孤獨" 這主題強說愁 (這類文章已經太氾濫了)有關孤獨,我還是最喜歡高行健...
1995年,妳離開了這個世界,毫無預警地... 2010年,15年過去了,我還是常常想妳...對別人來說,在舅舅舅媽的...
九月從英國回來後,我的生活重心就只有兩個 : 1.論文計畫 2.工作這兩件事填滿了我的時間,卻也剝奪了我很多...
Actually, I did notsuffer from jet lagat all. I felt refreshing after a good night's sleep.Teresa's ...
網路上流傳已久的文章,寫得非常的生動貼切 !潛伏期:不定。 傳染性:無。 感染人數:全台每年約十至十二萬...
Today, I woke up at six o’clock. Ary and her father took me to the airport, and my journey was offi...
On August 28, I left for Taoyuan.I would like to show my gratitude toKang and Sunny.Kang, thank you ...
Dear colleague,I am delighted to inform you that your paper has been accepted for the Annual Meeting...
轉貼網址 http://hiccer.pixnet.net/blog/post/9856819習慣是潛意識的功能。我們學習遊戲、跳舞或開車,是...
Initiator這個字的定義是 someone who thinks of and starts a new plan or process我相信,在你/妳的朋友中...