2005-07-05 13:51:19哲弗

Lucie Silvas

It was a great pleasure to attend Lucie Silvas Showcase in KL Hilton one night before interview. She sang pretty amazing, spreading the romantic mood, letting the audience feel in love with her. Meeting Lucie in an early morning, she said she wasn’t get used to sleep in air-conditioned room that make her got cold and had a minor sinus problem. But yet the whole interview went so smooth, a talented British girl who can write, sing and play good piano with good personality. What else we can ask for? We love you, Lucie.

R: RED L: Lucie Silvas

R: According to the biography, you start singing at age of 5, do you still remember what made you love music so much at that youngest age?
L: I think that ‘s because the environment of my family, my mum and dad love music so much, and there’s a piano in the house. My mum always singing, I guess this will be a natural thing to love music at that youngest age.

R: What kind of music do you listen to?
L: At that time, I listened to a lot of motel music, like the Jackson Five, Stevie Wonders. I traveled with my family and sell the compilation tapes, most of the tape are motel artist which I love. After I ‘m getting older, being a teenager, I was been more influence by Prince, you know some rock band.

R: Who get you into music industry? Who do you want to thank?
L: Well, It will be a few people really because I met my step mum Judie Tzuke., as a backing singer for her, across the UK, touring every where, bars, clubs, theatres. I just made my name a little bit and I have a demo tape to give people. Sure that after this, there’s lot of people that helps me, including be backing singer for Gary Barlow, but first was Judie.

R: Comment your album “Breathe In”.
L: “Breathe In” is an album that fit in few different style inside, like Ballads, Up Tempo, Gospel Music. I love to put piano in my songs. I also love others piano players, like Jamie Cullum, Billy Joel, Elton John, Harry Connick Jr, I love classical piano players as well.

R: Which song does you like the most? Why?
L: It’s really hard to pick one, but I think “Breathe In” properly will be the one I love, it’s a very happy song and it’s very sing-a long- to, I just feel good to performance it.

R: How about last night performance? Do you enjoy it?
L: Last night I had a really good time. They were really nice. You will never know what to expect when you ‘re coming to a new place. The audiences were really welcoming, and I also back to stage for encore, it’s just so great.

R: How many countries did you travel so far? Which country made you feel excited?
L: Quiet lot, we had been a lot of countries, like shooting in TV, radio, showcase and all that. Everywhere so different, you come to Asia, after that back to France, the culture and the music industry will be so unique. And the people are also act different.

R: How do you like Malaysia?
L: Everyone is very friendly. I see the people so enthusiast in music and everything.

R: Is this your first time in Malaysia?
L: No, I traveled to Malaysia before, with whole group of music people, musicians and stuffs, but it was never do any performances in public. Just going here to relax. But I hadn’t go to the beaches, I shall ask for that next time.

R: Do you like spicy food?
L: Yeah, I like it. When I back to England I will miss the spicy food here. We do eat the spicy food in England but the taste is not so good. I like Goreng Pisang as well, and the sweet potato dessert. All taste good, and before I fly this night, we are planning go to Chinatown to walk around.

R: How do you feel when people compared you with others singers?
L: I feel complimentary. Every time they just compared me with the great famous singer like Norah Jones, Christina Aguilera. I think it need time to make people change their mind that to see somebody that is just her and not others singers. It’s a naturally things that people compare and all these.

R: When is the best time to write song?
L: Everytime, it’s a every spontaneous things. You can’t really plan it, you also can’t go to studio to say I gonna write song today. You can’t just sit here to decided when is the time to write song. The creative things won’t come to you when you force it to.

R: Talk about your guitarist partner Richard Lobb?
L: We knew each other when we are 13. We have been friend for a long time. He’s a singer-songwriter himself. We like to work together coz we know each other so well. He’s been around with me everywhere, a lot of people getting to know him now.

R: Any words to your Malaysian Fans?
L: Thank you for supporting me and for requesting my songs. I will be back soon hopefully to do show for everybody that hadn’t seen me yet.

P/S:首次用英文寫稿,不過面對Lucie Silvas的經驗比Maksim好多了,至少她聽不懂我問題的次數真的不多。

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