2013-11-27 17:25:37朱砂拂影

Breguet Queen of Naples theme exhibition series grand debut


Breguet Queen of Naples in Xi'an grand theme exhibition series debut


Breguet Queen of Naples in Xi'an grand theme exhibition series debut


Breguet Queen of Naples in Xi'an grand theme exhibition series debut

 Throughout history

picture, Breguet created not only the glorious illustrious history of timepieces, more far beyond the scope of this is a perfect example of the human record, breaking the spirit of innovation and excellence in watchmaking industry has become a synonymous. From inception in 1775, Breguet brand that is being sought at the time of European royalty. Breguet opened deposited in the archives of the Breguet Museum in Paris, we can find records of many special orders valued patrons commissioned. One of which, there are records on its first watch: 1810, Breguet should please the younger sister of Napoleon Houkaluolin · Murat King of Naples, created 一枚 "long oval bracelet watch", and delivered in 1812. Such an unprecedented masterpiece in watchmaking history as well as its achievements and value created, enough to make us amazing.


Breguet Queen of Naples in Xi'an grand theme exhibition series debut


Breguet Queen of Naples in Xi'an grand theme exhibition series debut


Breguet Queen of Naples in Xi'an grand theme exhibition series debut


The exhibition not only for the audience recalled the history of this period of watchmaking classic story and writing Breguet innovative modern legend. To first watch as a source of inspiration and crafted Breguet "Queen of Naples Series" is a perfect blend of elegant aesthetics and technical excellence of art. Their goose egg-shaped case, unique design, graceful curves,LV包包, with complex technical functions become equal monthly advocating quality and elegant modern woman beloved art. Breguet With excellent art style with top watchmaking, for the modern woman elegant and charming interpretation of a new trend. Visitors in an elegant aesthetic atmosphere, not only lucky enough to enjoy a variety of Naples Pierre series, you can also enjoy a unique selection of fine jewelry.


Breguet Queen of Naples in Xi'an grand theme exhibition series debut


Breguet Queen of Naples in Xi'an grand theme exhibition series debut


Breguet Vice President of China Lu Keqin (Mr. Kevin ROLLENHAGEN) said: "After two centuries of accumulation and experience, we are always committed to continuously promote the development of technical and artistic level gauge the success of" Queen of Naples' series. , it stems from our classical tradition, the courage to break the spirit of innovation. demonstrated her extraordinary skills and ideas, not only represents our infinite respect for traditional values, but also a symbol of our relentless pursuit of breakthrough innovation. "

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