2005-01-17 14:36:00~寥若晨星~

A good day

I can hardly do any studying today, it is kinda suck

Going to pentagon city with Michelle and Kathy, Michelle's roomate, Terren was Tammy and Maggie's roomate in CU before......she was an exchange student from UCR...What a conincidence....the world is proved to be so small again

We just hang out in the Mall, Michelle is a very cute and funny ABC. The nicest ABC i have ever met. Even we only talk about some random stuff, i quite enjoy it though

We cook dinner together...actually I am working on an important but very hard stuff at that moment...so...too busy to help them...> <

We then chilled out a bit and watched Golden Globe, many many celebrities there...i just remember very few of them...It is a very relaxing night^_^

The most exciting thing today is I get a late birthday present from Ryane, my best friend in seconday school, or I can say she is the best friend in my life. She writes me a letter, it is so touching. I do miss her a lot. I miss those days in ST cat, we always walk to school together (it is kinda vigorous hiking exercises), study together, go to 英皇together, have lunch together, play squash together, hang out in 黃金廣場 together (which is one of my favourite places), walk all over Junk Bay together, go shopping together, buy reference books together...experience life at the same pace...

I remember I didn't like her at all in F3.
I remember she always played around with her friends in F3, didn't seem to be quite serious about studies.
I remember I worked incredibly hard in F3, with the wish to enter medical school. I was a 100% bookworm at that period of time. I didn't like ppl who like talking a lot and being very noisy
I remember I hardly have much good friends at that time, books are my best companion.

We turned out to be very good friends in F4, my personalities changed totally. Life is always full of surprises.

She is the one whom I can definitely share my very best with.
whom I can tell her everything about myself.
whom I can never forget.
whom I always miss.

This is the "unspeakable" feeling of having a life-long friend^_^