2013-06-05 22:38:54Viviandoll

frowny worries yet good turning

We might be heading to have another female housemate to our flat. Since College House, most of the housemates have been males. Even though before Aberdeen I felt safe in the environment of female friends this period of seven years living with boys has been much simpler life.

Males are the human species that think less in life (of course they are more developed in professions also due to this simplicity of their nature) as a result they don't have double faced manner nor do they bitch nastily behind your back. They are more upfront and less delicate in dealing with things.

Another upside is that I don't feel the need to socialise with the male housemates but the instinct nature of mine always jumps to please the females, like a lapdog stupidly. I couldn't feel relaxed, being myself at all... quite pathetic seriously. For so many years socialising on the home base with male housemates and at bar, I kind of lose the excellent ability in socialising with females. Maybe I should use this probational given opportunity of having another female housemate to train myself as well.

The training targets:

1. Feel comfortable and learn to be myself.
2. Don't focus on her but on what I want.
3. Feel wonderful, confident, charming like a shining star that Dannie used to crown me with.
4. ... and more?

Erica Rosario - the other fish in the sea.gif

frowny worries yet good turning