2013-10-29 04:50:09Viviandoll

Vacant, braindead, copy machine

Vacant, braindead, copy machine

I have encountered many difficult characters, yet none in the past failed to go through my positive nature - I always find the up side in them. Thus, I would appreciate their good parts (even sometimes its little, in comparison to the bad sites) and try not to get myself more annoyed by disliking them. 

I failed this time; or should I say this girl failed me. 

She is a German hippy, who managed to make me so allergic to both German and hippy, and green colour. This girl just appalls me emotionally. 

Many people experience the dislikeness to somebodies in their life with whom you couldn't explain why. I say its the auras of yours and hers/his incompatible. The atmospheres just clashed and bounce away. This is exactly what i am experiencing right now!

However, for some instances in life, you would not know why you didn't like certain people, but in my case, I can elaborate how far and how so I don't like spending time with her, or even breath in the same space.

First of all, she is very judgemental. Everything she has her own disapprovals. We were watching television, and she joined in. In split minutes she said she never gets the television programmes here in UK. They are just seemingly boring to her. She didn't like Uptown Abby etc. What the fuck!? We were not even watching the stage drama that time! 

Secondly, she is incredibly self-centred. When Macavity said I finally get the opportunity of starting my first career after half year of staying in since degree received, she immediately said I wouldn't want to wait for that long to start working. What a shit!? No one is asking about your opinion on other people's life...

Thirdly, she is a braindead, copy machine. Soon after one conversation of time any quarterly intelligent people would notice that every sentence, every thought, is not originated from her brain. They are all somewhere she heard somebody said and she just uses it to repeat to other people. That is very very weird. Very very weird. Most of all, she copies people's behaviours as well. You do something, seconds later (maybe I am exagerating in terms of time here) she would imitate the action and place an evidence aligning with yours. That is creepy! very creepy. This third point annoyed me the most, because I became more sensitively silent - unwilling to speak about my thoughts, as they are my property that I didn't like the feeling of having my souls and ideas steal. 

Fourthly, she always blames other people for her misery. Yes, MISERY is the word to describe her. She complains about the mob not working fine, she was not happy the toilet is not clean etc. She just has so much to moan and so little to say other than the depressing tones.

I simply just don't like her. Since she moved into the flat I for the first time in three years felt less at home, less at ease here; the desire to move out, having my own space has become so strong. 

Thank goodness that she is moving out soon. In three weeks time I will have my home declared back to my heart of arm and I will feel the cheerful eagerness to come home after work once again. I just wish these three weeks pass faster! and in these three weeks she simply is nobody, cannot stain our thoughts and minds at all! Just nothing