2013-11-18 01:46:24Viviandoll

woke up from the Nightmare

Late morning today - Sunday morning, we sent off the German girl. We helped out moving her stuff from the room to the corridor, from the corridor to the car; I gave her a 80% hug and a box of strawberry pocket biscuits. 

After everything of hers is out, after the keys are reclaimed and after the door is closed, I still felt so suppressed, in the heavy need of hiding in. I think its the guilt that you feel sorry for her and feel daunting with your indifference to her having to leave. 

Despite the mysterious microwave smashing marks, broken down right afterwards, and the scratched frying pans, lately she didn't do much that could lead to another downfall of annoyance to other people. But the damage had been done to our hearts - more to me, as I never come across this as Macavity would call 'passive-aggressive' personalities before. 

After nearly five hours she is removed from the house, finally I have the fresh breath of air and came to realise that my nerves didn't go intense whenever I hear someone coming into the house: I didn't need to be so tight up to listen to her movement of awkwardness or floating manners, anymore.

Later today Macavity and I were talking in the kitchen and finally we could spread our cards of feelings onto the table and share. We both noticed ourselves jumped when the door opened whilst of course Macavity was in his room up stair and me in mine. We don't need to do that reaction anymore. No more.

The new housemate is a part-timer and that is a good adaption to make after this three months quiet horror with this German girl. This new part-timer is a Chinese woman but everything about her or what she does, who she is, are just all the opposite to this German girl. I have very good instinct about her, at least, anyone can be better than that German girl in my book now.