2010-12-05 00:56:15Sweety S

After the Depression

Went to a lovely wedding tonight. =) Met my childhood friend whom I haven't seen in 15 years! ha..since long long time ago that we've parted.

Too bad I cannot stay for the after party..but it's alright. When I am going to China for biz trip next week, I might see them again. Ha just might..if they are free~ ha

And today's wedding is at Landis 陽明山. lovely. 劉爾金 is the MC. Made some friends tonight.. Then after came back home, called out my friend Vitor.. went to his friend's place for some fun~ playing Kinect..!! so much fun. and I am so tired now. =)

They soon started their true biz..playing poker! Ha.. life will just be getting better. And..Just like my friend C said that I'll forget Mr. B in no time. I think I have already.. =) Once I recognize it's not going to work in the long run. Cool~


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