2010-12-04 12:05:30Sweety S

Inspirational Talk

I want to write this down before I forget.
Who you are, where you come from. You are not just an average Joe. Your standards and living style.  It's almost impossible to down grade unless your brain wires are burnt.  
  • Who can you accept to walk into your family?
  • Who can survive in the long run.
  • For Mr. B, it's gonna break sooner or later.- will see more un-matching qualities when time goes by. For sure. Due to vast differences.
  • Matching of the life style
  • Wealth
  • Friends circle
  • Ability of money making
  • Wisdoms in Business
  • Wisdoms in treating friends/family
  • Sweet talkers are just sweet talkers.  The point is if they are "do-ers
  • Remember that you are not an average Joe..It's time to recognize that fact
Take Example of V.C. Perhaps someone like him.  But not him. Similar family background, wealth, life style.

Invest in self interest, be an expert in a hobby. Eg. Golf n Yoga or exotic dance. =D One thing at a time.

Build up own career.  Focused and dedicated.

Bright future awaits.

This is excellent.

Thank you, my friend.

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