2010-12-06 01:37:54Sweety S

A Perfect Kind of Day

It's sunny here in Taipei City. Temperature - about 24 C.  Our perfect tour guide was fashionably late, but it didn't matter.  We went to 西濱 today.. 台64線.  實在太美了. 好久沒看到海..今天又是有雲的青天..我們親愛的V先生脾氣真的很好..今天才發現他其實個性還滿可愛的. 從他開車在巷道內看到小黑狗,會搖下窗對狗汪汪叫兩聲,到貼心的乘我們在LANDIS 上洗手間的時候買了麥當勞+飲料, 然後想小朋友般的興奮的邊開車邊吃漢堡~

今天他開BMW. AH.我好久沒坐BM 了. 所以更加開心.  兜風..原來是這麼EASY..我真的不認識台灣. 有很多好地方真的要有玩伴,要有人帶. =)

當我們看到海的那剎那..驚喜的叫了出來. 海,天,白雲,陽光,風車...加上快樂的旅行伴侶..照了很多相.  今天到那裡都美,我想, 我佷久沒有這麼放鬆的笑了.

"A perfect kind of day"..It's a phrase I use often during a hypnosis session.."When you wake up in a perfect kind of day, you would..."

To me, this is my perfect kind of day.  From the beginning to the end.

Thank you V and C for the companionship today. =)

上一篇:After the Depression

下一篇:Going Away Tomorrow