2008-02-06 21:36:18Una Lin



從不認為經由這個遊戲可以讓我記得任何一個單字的冠詞,結果也是…Ich habe mir gar nichts gemerkt.(什麼也沒記住)
反正都輸定了,何必繼續呢?再加上,我討厭這種壓迫性的感覺Ich hasse das.






Danny 2008-02-10 00:48:58

That nasty feeling
Athough it is said that games are a way of learning, too, I just don`t like it.
Especially the feeling to lose a competition. To lose and give the others respect makes me feel I didn`t train enough.
Therefore I always try to avoid playing such games. That is why I seldom play card games at New Years Eve, usually I just like to look.

Today, shortly before the course was over, the teacher let us play the &quotArtikelspiel&quot.
I never thought that this game could help me remembering any words or phrases, and so is the outcome ... I didn`t remember anything.
In the middle of the game there was a point, which was maybe unfair. After half of the time I complete stopped playing along.
We would have lost anyway, so why continue? I hate that feeling of pressure. The teacher said &quotthis game is also for learning&quot, ok. But it doesn`t work for me.
I don`t wanna spend my time playing, I don`t have the mood for it and I didn`t spend the money for the course to play.


Surprise surprise, I translated it :P
Honey, there is a lot of nonsense. No one is pressuring you except yourself. When you lose a game, nothing is wrong with you, it doesn`t tell anything about how much you trained something and so on. It is just a game. When you win, you are very happy. So, why won`t you let the other side be happy?
If you don`t wanna use games for learning, that is perfectly ok. Then just take it as a game. It is some part of people skills (&quotSoziale Kompetenz&quot). And that is something really important, isn`t it?

So, be happy and keep playing ;)

;p Schau mer mal. 2008-02-14 22:08:26