2014-12-14 16:21:20老鼠人


"His mind changed our world. Her love changed his."

11/1成為Stephen Hawking的臉書粉絲,過幾天知道他的傳記電影將在台灣12月上映,早早跟妹妹約了到時候去戲院看,雖然妹妹其實興趣缺缺。


妹妹問我看完有很想哭嗎?沒有耶,但我更相信真愛無敵,覺得Jane Hawking真的好偉大,男人娶個會幫夫、旺夫的好太太實在太重要了!若不是有娶到意志堅強的賢妻,我想Stephen Hawking應該早就如同醫生預言般英年早逝,若不是有妻子的死命堅持,他鐵定無法成為繼愛因斯坦之後最偉大的科學家,即使身體動彈不得,腦中的思想卻改變了整個世界。能夠像Jane這樣多年來犧牲自己、成就丈夫,仳離之後又能成功追求自我實現的,實在是太難得了,根本是超級女強人。

我喜歡霍金博士11/19臉書動態,尤其是最後一句:I thought Eddie Redmayne portrayed me very well in The Theory of Everything Movie. He spent time with ALS sufferers so he could be authentic. At times, I thought he was me. Seeing the film has given me the opportunity to reflect on my life. Although I'm severely disabled, I have been successful in my scientific work. I travel widely and have been to Antarctica and Easter Island, down in a submarine and up on a zero gravity flight. One day I hope to go into space. I've been privileged to gain some understanding of the way the universe operates through my work. But it would be an empty universe indeed without the people that I love. –SH
