2009-06-14 17:01:03frank

[塗鴉] 美術館裡的塗鴉作品展- Banksy

從電視新聞中看到了 Banksy 的報導,覺得這為的作品頗為有趣,就上網找找相關的資料。原來這為塗鴉藝術家有「塗鴉教父」之稱;而且作風十分神秘,堅持不露臉,連真實名字也是個謎。電視裡播了一小段訪問策展人,你覺得的作品是藝術嗎?「他一幅作品成交價動輒百萬,當然是藝術品。」對這樣的評論,雖不贊同,但是應該去了解一下這百萬英鎊作品的作家。


策展人說:「這次展覽,館內只有四位工作人員與他本人知道這個展覽; 其他的工作人員被告之美術館將要用來拍片,而休館幾日。館方也承擔了極大的風險,因為沒有人曾與 Banksy 說過話,整個展覽的聯繫都是透過 Banksy 的代理人。」 (果然神秘!)

看一看泰晤士報關於這個展覽的照片集吧: Slide Show

展覽從即日此至 八月 31日,每日10am-5pm

From The Times

Banksy takes over Bristol City Museum with biggest ever exhibition

Simon de Bruxelles

They seek him here, they seek him there, but if Banksy was anywhere near Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery yesterday he was keeping a typically low profile.

(Adrian Sherratt)
How do you like your eggs' is an image of a Muslim woman in an apron

The world’s most elusive artist has taken over the largest museum in his home town and filled it with more than 100 of his iconoclastic creations. But was the perfectionist Banksy on site as the finishing touches were put to the exhibition yesterday?

Outside, a blond man in his thirties wearing new trainers watched visitors going in and out. Was he the artist taking a break? Perhaps the only suspect for an artist who likes to portray himself as a rat was a terrified mouse trapped beneath a paper cup in the Egypt gallery.

From his beginnings as a graffiti artist on Bristol’s streets, Banksy has become one of Britain’s most soughtafter artists. An anthology of his recent work is the world’s bestselling art book.

The exhibits installed in the gallery are his way of giving something back to the city he grew up in, according to the museum’s director, Kate Brindley. She was first approached last October, and sworn to secrecy. Just four of the museum’s staff knew of the plans.

Ms Brindley said: “We gave the staff a couple of days off and said we were filming. We were taking a huge risk because no one has spoken to Banksy, it’s all been done through his agents.”

Visitors to the free exhibition, which runs until August, will be greeted by a burnt-out ice-cream van. A dummy riot policeman wearing a balaclava and a badge which reads Metropolitan Peace is making his getaway from the carnage on a fairground horse.

Exhibits have been infiltrated into the galleries alongside the museum’s own works. A stone Buddha sits on a plinth with a broken arm and a neck brace, Old Masters have been adapted to include flying saucers or characters bursting out of the frame. In one typically Banksian pun, Dorothy and Toto from The Wizard of Oz are painted on a sheet of rusting iron with a speech bubble saying: “I don’t think we’re on canvas any more.” There is an original Damian Hirst spot painting defaced by a rat with a paint roller. A stencilled picture shows an African orphan with a bucket saying: “Peaches Geldof — please give generously.”

Banksy claims that he has to maintain his anonymity for “legal” reasons. In the press release accompanying the exhibition, he said: “Maybe one day graffiti art will hang in lots of museums and be viewed in the same way as other modern art, although personally I hope it never sinks that low.


The article is taken from the website of The Times, TimesOnline. The copyright of the article belongs to its original owner. The Times and author of the article are not involved with, nor endorse the production of this blog.
小呆 2009-06-15 10:07:42





You are a painter! Then you should know much better than I do. 2009-06-18 17:36:24