2012-06-08 10:26:24ninaozchamp

The Basis Of Pulverizer

Pulverizer is a machinery thatpulverize solid material into small pieces or fine powder.

Pulverizer and grinder calleda total crushing machine. By the two nesting into the size of theparticle size: Materials row size is greater than 3 millimeter centof the total content of the row charge more than 50% of those whocalled the pulverizer; less than 3 millimeter cent of the totalcontent of the row charge 50% More than those who were known as thegrinder.

using pulverizer can reducethe size of the material to a certain size; materials to increase thesurface area in order to enhance its role in the effects of physicalor chemical reaction speed; materials so that the differentcomponents of the smash single after separation, in order to furtherits Separated from each other, and so on.
For example, grindingflour, feed pulverized, ground pigment and cement clinker of Health,prepared by grinding the pulp suspension, as well as to increase theflow of materials, filling; grinding dry materials to be artificial,in order to speed up the drying rate , Ground agents and catalystsadsorbent, respectively, in order to strengthen its effectiveness asa catalyst and adsorption, will be ground into pulverized coal inorder to improve its combustion rate and the full extent of burning,and so on; to crush iron ore, or floating through the magneticseparation Election to be refined iron ore, lead-zinc will be crushedstone after the election of sub-lead-zinc ore powder and powder.

The pulverizer, has greatlyenhanced the effectiveness of the operation to pulverize. However,due to a variety of materials to crush each other characteristics aredifferent products for different industries also size requirementsare different, so he has created a different operating principle tocarry out operations to crush a variety of crushing machinery, suchas the grinding wheel, grinding vibration , Mill turbine, impactpulverizer, coal mill fan, sanding machines, colloid grinder.

In the early 70s, has produced5,000 tons of output per hour, is expected to the largest diameter of2000 mm large-scale cycle of broken machines, and materials can beground to a particle size of less than 0.01 micron colloid grinder.

Machinery used to pulverizesolid materials in five main ways, that is, squeezing, bending,splitting, grinding and impact. Before the four were the use ofstatic, then a final application of kinetic energy. In the vastmajority of pulverizer, materials, often two or more methods to crushthe role of being crushed, for example, in the cycle Breakers, themain application of extrusion, bending and splitting; in the ballmill, the main impact of the application and grinding.

pulverizing method is based onthe physical properties of materials, pieces of material and the sizeof the required degree of refinement to the selection. For hardmaterials should be used in extrusion, bending and splitting; forbrittle materials should be used and the impact of splitting; largerpieces of material that should be split and bending; expected toblock a smaller size or nesting requirements of a very Should be usedand the impact of grinding. If you choose to crush method properly,there will be difficult to smash or crush over, they will bepulverized in the process of increasing energy consumption.

The pulverizer has a varietyof classifications, or in the form of the structure or methods tocrush, or the speed of movement, or the type of force, or the degreeof refinement to divide.

the Ratio of pulverize thematerial before and after the pulverize is the size of the size ofthe degree of change. For a single machine to crush, it is equivalentto the expected size of the largest nesting and the size of thelargest ratio; by more than the pulverizer to pulverize thecomposition of the system, it is equivalent to the original materialand the final size Nesting size ratio, or the equivalent to a singlemachine to crush the crushed even more than the product. When the useof materials broken machinery broken, smashed more than than thecommonly referred to as broken.

When asked much more than topulverize, smash often operating by a number of pulverizers topulverize the composition of the system to complete. Materials in thesystem in Taiwan after the pulverizer, its size gradually reduced andfinally reach the required size. In such a pulverizing system, atevery stage of selection should be appropriate machinery to crush andsmash the ratio between the various stages in each other's productioncapacity. At the same time, in order to enhance the effectiveness andreduce energy consumption, but also in each operation after thecrushing or screening levels.

Industrial and agriculturalproduction in a large number of working to smash the energyconsumption of a large, but in the crush operation, type of machineryto crush most of the energy into heat and crushed by the machinery,air circulation and to crush the materials to absorb the , For directmaterials on the smash but for a very small volume: in thepulverizer, less than 10%; in the grinder, often less than 1%.Therefore, in order to reduce energy consumption, it is necessary toselect the appropriate machinery to crush, using the correct methodof operation, provides the best smash and units than the time ofproduction.

To pulverize the main theoryis to study the process of crushing power and the relationshipbetween the degree of refinement. As the operation to crush a numberof factors are involved in the extremely complex process, so there isno generally accepted theory to crush the unified conclusion, andonly three of the more important hypothesis, namely:

Telingeer in Germany in the1867 hypothesis put forward by the size of that solids crushedmaterials, and energy generated by the new proportional to thesurface area; kirke in Germany in 1885 hypothesis put forward by thevolume that will be similar to the geometry of its kind Materialbroken into geometric shapes are similar products, and energyconsumption was broken pieces of material in direct proportion to thesize or weight; the United States and China, Wang Rendong Bond in1952 hypothesis put forward by the cracks.

In the three hypotheses hasits practical limitations in an area of more hypothesis applies tonesting size of 0.01 to 1 mm grinding operation, the size of ahypothesis applies to nesting size larger than 10 mm thick and brokenin Operating broken, and the cracks in between hypothesis is appliedto broken from rough grinding to a broader operation.

The Basis Of Pulverizer