2012-06-08 10:10:42ninaozchamp

The Hammer Of Pulverizer

The most important and mosteasily wear parts of pulverizer is the hammer. Its shape, size,alignment methods, and so on, there be a great impact to pulverizeefficiency and product quality.

According to the ChineseAcademy of Agricultural Mechanization by 1.6mm, 3.0mm, 5.0mm, 6.25mmthickness of the four types of corn for the hammer to smash come totrial, 1.6mm than 6.25mm hammer to smash the effect of raising 45percent more than 5mm to increase 25.4 percent. Thin with hammer tosmash a high efficiency, but relative to shorten the useful life.Multi-thick hammer, smashing the target should be the size and typeto another.

Hammer and heat treatment ofmaterials currently used by the hammer of the main material of lowcarbon steel, medium carbon steel, special cast iron, and so on. Heattreatment and surface hardening (including surface carburization andhardening the surface of tungsten carbide surfacing, etc.) can be agood hammer to improve the wear resistance, increase the hammer life.

Hammer is a high-speedoperation of the components, and its precision manufacturing mill onthe balance of the rotor impact. General requirements on any rotorhammer between the two groups of the poor quality of no more than 5g.As a result, hammer in the course of processing a tight control onthe accuracy, in particular, tungsten carbide surfacing hammer shouldstrictly ensure the quality of the welding process. Hammer factory tobe set for the unit. Hammer every day should be installed to installthe sets of hammer, and not allowed to set between the sets of freeexchange.

The Hammer of pulverizer is ina direct attack on the work of the material components and,therefore, wears the fastest, the most frequent replacement ofwearing parts. Hammer refers to the wear and tear of the hammer angleof the work of the wear and tear; hammer four working angle of thewear and tear, the hammer will be scrapped.

Hammer with the number ofunits width of the rotor on the number of hammer (hammer-density) tomeasure the density is too large rotor torque to start, subject tocrack down on the number of materials, reduced production ofelectricity; density is too small mill output Will be affected.

Hammer refers to thearrangement of the rotor in each group between the hammer and hammerwith the group between the relative positions of the relationshipbetween. Hammer the best way to achieve the following order: rotorrotation, each of the hammer trajectories does not repeat; materialswill not be in the film goes under the hammer to pulverize happenedto the interior side of the phenomenon of migration (with theexception of the special requirements); Rotor force balance,high-speed operation when no vibration.

Rotor hammers when running atthe end of the line speed on the work performance mill impact. Hammerpulverizer to pulverize the main feed raw materials rely on thehammer on the impact of feed raw materials, hammer line is, thehigher the speed of the hammer feed particles greater the impact, theability to pulverize the stronger. As a result, increasing the linespeed of hammer in a certain scope can increase the pulverizecapacity - to reduce energy consumption and product size. However,the rate is too high, will increase the mill's no-load powerconsumption and size too small to crush and increase powerconsumption. And the high speed rotor on a balance of performance andeven the entire mill to create a higher quality. Therefore, the bestline speed of hammer is determined by according to the specificcircumstances of the case. At present, the hammer of pulverizer rateof the general admission line 80 ~ 90m / s.

 The Hammer Of Pulverizer