2007-03-16 14:18:37nick

Tips on Answering the Telephone-3

Tips on Answering the Telephone (part 3 of 8)


3. When I receive calls, I open each conversation with a cheery greeting.
4. When a caller wishes to speak to an absent colleague, I offer to take a message or help.
5. When I take messages, I note the name and telephone number of the caller and repeat it back to him.
6. I am careful not to interrupt the other person while he is speaking.

3. 我接到電話時,會先愉快地問候對方。
4. 當來電者想找的同事不在時,我會為他留話或提供協助。
5. 當我記留言時,會寫下來電者的姓名與電話號碼,並且重覆一遍給他聽。
6. 我會注意不在對方說話時打斷他。

⊙ Word Bank
  cheery (adj)  愉快的