2007-03-16 14:18:33nick

Tips on Answering the Telephone-2

Tips on Answering the Telephone (part 2 of 8)


To find out, take this brief quiz. Listed below are a series of statements, each describing a particular telephone skill. Rate yourself on each skill: If you practice it consistently, give yourself a "3." If you usually practice it, rate yourself with a "2." If you practice it occasionally, you get a "1," and if you rarely practice the skill, you rate a "0."

1. I answer the telephone within four rings.
2. After answering the telephone, I immediately identify myself.


1. 我會在電話鈴響四聲內接起電話。
2. 我一接起電話就立即表明自己的身分。

⊙ Word Bank
  consistently (adv)  一定地;不變地
  identify (v)  表明身份