2007-03-16 14:18:41nick

Tips on Answering the Telephone-4

Tips on Answering the Telephone (part 4 of 8)


7. I repeat the other person's name several times during the conversation.
8. I speak in a professional, but relaxed tone of voice.
9. I take notes during my conversations to ensure proper follow up.
10. I avoid placing persons "on hold."

7. 在對話時,我會多次稱呼對方的名字。
8. 我說話的語氣是專業,且輕鬆的。
9. 我在談話過程中會記下重點,以確保事後能做好後續工作。
10. 我避免按「保留」讓人在電話中等候。

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  ensure (v)  確保