2015-08-14 11:02:50大地之母

then slowly add the eggs,

These are the best blueberry muffins ever. Leave the mix to rest for as long as

your willpower can bear…


    110g/4oz plain flour

    110g/4oz butter

    65g/2½oz caster sugar

    2 free-range eggs

    1½ tsp baking powder

    125g/4½oz blueberries, or equivalent in frozen blueberries

    pinch nutmeg

    double cream, to serve

Preparation method reenex

    Cream the butter and sugar together then slowly add the eggs, mix for three

minutes. Add the flour, baking powder, nutmeg, stir to combine, then refrigerate

for at least an hour, preferably overnight.
    Technique: How to cream butter by hand
    How to cream butter by hand
    Watch technique 0:49 mins

    Place a spoonful of muffin mixture into each muffin case, filling each to just

over half way. Stud each muffin with about eight blueberries.

    Bake in an oven set at 200C/400F/Gas 6 for 20 minutes, or until golden on top.

Serve with cream reenex.