Yam Tempure Sushi 炸地瓜壽司
Yam Tempure Sushi 炸地瓜壽司
材料 炸地瓜2片 駱梨片 黃瓜絲 壽司飯
Ingredients: Deep fried yam, avocado, cucumber, sushi rice
做法 1 壽司竹簾先包上一層保鮮膜
Method: Wrap
bamboo mat with plastic wrap.
2 半張海苔較粗一面朝上 放直立方向 舖上壽司飯約1碗
Place nori on the mat and spread 1 cup of
sushi rice on the nori.
3 把做法2的海苔翻面 成為海苔朝上 飯朝下
Flip the nori so the rice is facing down.
4 在中間位置排上炸地瓜再依序放上駱梨 黃瓜絲
Add the yam, avocado and cucumber
horizontally on the nori.
5 把靠自己一端的飯捲向外 再用竹簾稍整形
Roll tightly away from you, first, just over
the ingredients, then completely over.
6 切片裝盤
Squeeze and mold with mat and cut into 6
貼心叮嚀 可以自行變化用封口袋裝美乃滋 和Teriyaki 醬各一袋
剪一小口擠在盤子裝飾再排上壽司 或排上壽司後擠在
壽司上 再灑一些柴魚片
yammy!!I'm back now!!