壽司飯SUSHI RICE 壽司蛋 Tamago
材料Ingredient 米3 cups rice 水3 cups water
醋5 Tbsp vinegar
糖5 Tbsp Sugar
鹽1 Tbsp salt
1 壽司醋材料拌勻
2 將煮好的飯倒入深盆中 再把壽司醋淋在飯上 用飯杓輕手拌勻 待涼
Empty cooked rice into a flat bowl . Pour the vinegar mixture over the rice using a spatula to distribute it evenly.
壽司蛋 Tamago
蛋8 eggs
糖3 Tbsp sugar
水2/5 cup water+ 柴魚粉dashi 2tsp+鹽1 tsp salt
日本清酒1 Tbsp sake
味霖1 Tbsp mirin
1所有材料混盒打勻用網子濾過 如無正方形鍋可用圓形免沾鍋代替
2 在鍋子用餐巾紙沾油潤鍋 倒入1/4蛋液未完全凝固時 在1/3處鏟起捲向自己這邊 再折一次 只剩1/3面積的蛋在鍋子的一邊
3 再沾一次油續入蛋液 重複2的動作 直到但厚度約3公分
4 用餐紙包好吸油再用竹簾捲起固定形狀 待涼
Mix together all the ingredients and pour through a sieve. Oil and heat the square pan . Pour in1/4 of egg mixture , cook over medium heat and smooth the swelled parts with chopsticks When the surface begins to dry , fold in two steps toward you Oil the pan again and pour in the remaining mixture in three times Allow the mixture to flow beneath the cooked eggs and roll up. Wrap the eggs in a paper towel and over top, a bamboo sushi mat.