2010-07-15 21:18:21Yvette

Yvette 桌上的玩具

這位台長的平常活動就是宅在室內玩玩具。 (這名條是我自己串的....)

學生 (系助理) 送的母親節香水和學生 (大班小助理) 送的母親節公仔



要怎麼玩呢? 最後有吊環的都會到衣架上報到。

還有學生 (即將出國的隨身義務小助理) 買博客來送的燈都變成我的。她說:「東西給妳玩好像變得比較好玩。」

已經畢業半年,可是留在我研究室讀書一年了的她連平常繳交 (閱讀)作業也要和我玩一下。



昨天 Nita 送我這個玩具說要給我擺在桌上,所以我把梵谷找來和土耳其作伴。

NITA 大概期待這樣的畫面吧? (還有 RSC 版的莎翁全集陪伴!)  





Liz 2010-07-16 14:34:45

YV is not only amazing but awesome.

Yvette 2010-07-15 23:14:24

Amazing or silly?
I don't know.
I have always worked on things in the wrong order. I cannot tell important affairs from unimportant ones.

Today I was suddenly called to interview a new assistant for another department via Skype. The applicant happened to be my former student. She was soooooooooo excited to know I was the interviewer. During the interview she even excused herself for a moment and rushed to bring a picture book to amuse me. It was WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE. We had such a great time cheering and screaming that all the colleagues waiting outside were quite puzzled at the laughters. They might expect a more serious interview.

Well, the applicant took my course two years ago: PICTURE BOOKS from the General Education Department.

Hahahahaha!!!! She is as silly as I. I like her, and strongly recommend her.

Janet 2010-07-15 22:11:10

In the eyes of everyone you know, you're amazing all the time.