2006-02-01 04:13:35拉拉夫人


warning: explicit language & unstable emotion, not for the fainted hearts

about a week ago, my mum shared with me this fascinating piece of news---
my uncle wanted to introduce me to a guy, of course, my mum being sane
turned it down ots

according to him, this guy's description is as follows:
-30 something

shit thats a lot of information!
a 30 something guy who is a doctor, well how fucking fabulous! thats go meet him then
because after all i am
-20 something

just when i thought this was a one-day-expire-date joke, unfortunately it wasnt.
when i went back to visit my grandmum with my mum, the older and wiser sat me down and asked " why dont you want to meet the 30something-male-doctor? why not?" and repeated this god forsaken question once every 15 minutes
well grandma maybe its because i dont bloody want to and i have a hot boyfriend and
of course i would have said it to her face if she wasnt a diabetic----

now there are some very very very strange ppl, they worry about your life and your happiness before they actually think about themselves and their own wrong doings

"they care about you" you say
"they love you" you thought
oh well, thats not very true at all, because
a) this man was my uncle's colleague, and he probably wanted a "wife" not a "girlfriend"
b) my grandma encouraged my mum to encourage me to meet this doctor thingiebob because she would like to see another doctor-son-in-law in the family---serifuckingously!

i dont need this crap, i can meet my own man at my own time in the right situation and in the right mood, and for crying out loud, isnt it necessary to clarify first what sort of 30something this guy is?
i mean 30 something---thats truly helpful and graciously appreciated---the range is 1 - 9 so is this guy 5 or 13 years older than me? huh? huh? huh? surprise surprise grandma didnt know either----fabulous

i provided her (politely) with my thoughts (correctly worded) and doubts (in the right manner) and when she came back with "i am so worried with you going out with european boys, they are awful so dishonest, what happens if they cheat on you? or lie? taiwanese are so much more nicer and honest---" i couldnt remember the rest because i thought i saw myself puking my guts out then

if all of the abover were true, well welcome ladies and some men, this island is for you, you have honest guys here, down to earth, no cheating, responsible no lying, loving caring understanding funny etc---
what a giantic load of faeces? and i am truly sorry for that tinny wincce hope i teased out of you, remember my uncle? the doctor? well he has an open affair---now he has 1+1 wives and 4+1 sons---yes grandma so much for honesty and true love!!!

so wtf not just let your granddaughter see thier own men, boys, women, girls! dont butt in!!!

and dont never ever tell your once plumpish granddaguther to eat more because she is now "too skinny for her usual size" and just because she has turned half-vegetarian doesnt mean she doesnt eat, she does, and if you eat that way, you will be healthy too! no diabetics at least!

