2006-06-13 21:52:01Jacky


讀  經:馬可福音5章1-12節
金  句:「你回家去,到你的親屬那裡,將主為你所做的,是何等大的事,都告訴他們。」(馬可福音5章19節)

  你曾高訴過他人,耶穌為你所做的一切嗎? HVL


The Best Argument

Read: Mark 5:1-20

Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you. --Mark 5:19

As I talked with a skeptic about the moral standards of the Bible, I could tell that he remained unconvinced. Then I asked him if he knew any cruel, greedy people who had become kind and unselfish when they became believers in Christ. His demeanor changed abruptly when he admitted that he did know such people. I could tell that they were having a greater impact on him than he wanted to acknowledge.

Many years ago the head of a rescue mission in London accepted the challenge to debate a well-known skeptic, but with this condition: He would bring with him 100 people who would tell how believing in Jesus had changed their lives. He invited his opponent to counter with witnesses to the benefits of unbelief. On the appointed day the believer came with his 100, but the skeptic never showed up.

Even though we should be prepared to give a reasonable answer to a person who asks about the hope we have in Christ (1 Pet. 3:15), our Christlike character and conduct remain the strongest argument for our faith. In Mark 5, Jesus told the formerly demon-possessed man to go home to his friends so they could see what He had done for him (v.19).

Are you telling others what Christ has done for you? --HVL

You may be tempted to debate
To change another's view,
But nothing speaks more powerfully
Than what Christ did in you. --Sper

When you know Christ, you'll want others to know Him too.

How Can I Break The Silence?
How Can I Share My Faith Without An Argument?

