2013-09-02 15:03:34室內設計

little guy orders like crying

"Oh! Another sleepless night." With the little guy orders like crying, I mumbled side struggled up. When I yawn to children's house, my mother had warm nipple over to the little guy's mouth, he met nestled in the mother's arms, the delicate lip smacking mother eat with appetite, bloodshot eyes neutral time affectionate smile. The yellow light, I can feel the mother that originally thin body become more rickets, more fuzzy......

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How many day and night? I have already canned not remember clearly, the mother to let me have a good rest, do not delay the work, always without complaint to get up early, with increasing growth in small guy age and weight, the mother is rapid old down, temples of silver, by wire to lock, forehead wrinkles from shallow to deep. I see in the eye, pain in the heart. A few minor please nanny, but mother was refused, she always repeated one sentence: "I'm your mother, take care of the children, I'm willing to.

Good work!" Whenever I hear the mother's this simple words, I will be full of excitement., not inhibition. I have a mother, but in the eyes of the mother, but is always a child will never grow up. She used her not broad arms for me -- her children, sharing all the focus on the. These years, with the increase of age, I feel everything has changed, but the only constant is mother's love for me, no matter where you go, how long that, mother's love is wrapped around me, always with me. In particular, every time when I recall that curtain unforgettable and warm fragment, a warm current unit centripetal, I always feel the sense of happiness.

They are like those old photos, sealed in my memory of the album. Occasionally look at the food, my spirit: when I was a child, in order to satisfy my vanity, mother made the night a beautiful sun dress for me, I was the envy of students in the scenery a good; junior high school, the late on, regardless of wind and rain, as long as it was black mother will appear in the streets, looking around, the anxious look, I still cannot forget; campus life, the mother in order to fill my body, has repeatedly come to the school to send reeky meals; even I married, the mother was regularly to give us a rich dishes, etc..

Every time I think of the past, I have tears, mother, mother! You always silently for me to pay, you used your love gives me the precious life, taught me a philosophy of life, so that I deeply appreciate the "love knows no boundary, infinite truth" truth, and as a child I take what to give you? In yet another fragrance in May -- your daughter, I sincerely say to you: "mother, you have worked hard!"