2006-05-17 20:27:14蓉蓉

Buseiness---Sixteen ways to be a better boss

1.Set hight standards 設立高標準

2.Listen to your employees 傾聽員工
staff meetings, surveys, face-to-face brainstorming conference

3.Communciate your vision 交流你的願景
what you aim for,goals,operating results,key strategies

4.Affirm your people=recognize your people 鼓勵員工

5.Remember the basics of good supervision 監督
weekly one-to-one meetings,systematic reporting,informal checkup

6.Educate employees on policy 教育
"why and how",policy manual

7.Plan together 一起計畫

8.Initiate special workplace projects 一起參與計畫
a monthly share-your-story luncheon
task force, a boost in team spirit

9.Use mistakes as learning opportunities 將錯誤當作學習機會
mistakes happen,allowed freedom to make mistakes
learn from mistakes

10.Give responsibility 授權
delegate,a little first,a lot later.
Your people are capable of much more than you realize

11.Seek outy professional development opportunities 找出潛在的發展機會
novice, experienced supervisor
improve your supervisory and leadership skills

12.Offer professional development to others 提供學習機會
when it comes time for a good employee to move on,
accept the transition with pride and enthusiasm.

13. Foster problem-solving skills 培養解決問題技能
reluctant to take on complex tasks or solve problems on their own

14.Dsipline quickly and fairly 學習快
reprimand sb=blame sb
get sth over with and move on

15.Seek out the best 找出最好的
the time you invest in the selection process will pay big dividends
later on.

16.Say thanks 說謝謝
everyone wants to be appreciated.
you'll foster a genuine team spirit-and you'll motivate
them to produce their best work

1.supervisior=coordinator=leader 上司

2.boss people around 愛指使別人

3.take the time to do~ 花時間作某事

4.come to on board 開始上班

5.regular employee 普通職員

6.implement 執行
=put it into use

7. stretch people 某人能力能發揮

8.offer thoughts 提供想法

9.part of the company 公司的一份子

10.one to one meeting 一對一會議
informal checkup on sth 不定期的檢查

11.involve people in sth 讓某人參與sth

12.task force 專案小組

13. strive to better yourself 努力提身自己

14.move on 離開

15.take tasks // solve problem on one's own 自己承擔任務

16.get it over with 完成某事(某事你不喜歡)

17.foster=cultivate=develop ~skills 培養什麼能力

18.altrusim 利他主義

19.keep hands on everything 管每一件事

20.micromanage sth什麼都要管 管雜事

21.novice 新手
=green on the job

22.stretch sb
=take you out of comfrot zone


下一篇:Health---Stand up straight!