2006-05-20 20:11:11蓉蓉

Health---Stand up straight!

<<<Gold sentence>>>

1.Core Training 軀幹訓練
involve the xxx of a piece of equirment called a core board
hat twists, toeques, recoils and tilts

2.Pilates 皮拉提斯
recommend it as a good way to get rid of niggling back problems,
and dancers use it in their trainig

3.Psycholisthebics 心靈柔軟體操
you have to attend a day's introductory course 一天的介紹課程

4.Aqua Chi 中水太極

1.slump at desksthoughtout the day 整天攤坐在書桌前

2.make time to do sth 挪出時間作某事

3.work out 運動

4.harbor tension in my back,shoulders, and neck/resentment
背部很緊崩 // 懷恨在心

5. iron out 消除~~

6. sit , stand straight  坐直站直

7. slouch 駝背
ex: end up +V-ing
end up slouching

8.do the trick = do the job you need

9.add bulk= increase your size(muscle) 變的更壯碩

10.work magic有令人驚豔的效果

11.comprise+v =consist of sth 包含某事

psycho therpy => treat your mind

13.calisthenics 健美體操

14.breathing, stretching, relaxation=> improve coordination, balance,

15.achieve results 達到效果

16.martial art 武術



19.free your mind 放鬆心情

20.take on sth 開始做某事(通常是有難度的)

21.it is more doable 更可行的

22.straighten my muscle 鍛鍊我的肌肉

23.my body is stiff 我的身提是很僵硬的