2006-05-16 18:02:00蓉蓉


1.decent job= prestigious job 不錯的工作

2.subtle difference 些微差異

3.drooling lips 流口水的嘴巴(can't control body function)

4.sb makes a sorry sight= sb is sorry sight = i feel sorry for sb他很可憐
= sb is difficult to look at
5.in a sense 就某種意義而言

6.sth adds up to zero in the end某事最終一無所有
ex: worldly achievement adds up to zero in the end

7.end up with sth 最終以sth作結

8.surperior academic performance 卓越的學術成就

9. be proud of oneself 引以為自豪

10.pass away == die
washroom == toilet
elderly == olderly

11. humorous
adds emphasis
show irony
show the opposite of what we reallt think

12. sth bites= sth sucks

13.can't live by oneself

14.nursing home 療養院
institutional care 機構的療養中心

15.in bleak solitude 沒有希望的寂寞

16.prepare yourself by thinking beforehand.

17.it is smelly 很臭

18.many suffer some degree of dementia(senility) 很多患有癡呆狀態

19.it is just passing time away 只是過一天算一天

20.enviable career 令人稱羨的生活

21.sb is confronted with the brevity, frailty and apparent futility of
human existence.

22. sb is confined to a wheel-chair// prison // 某地 被限制於某地

23. above-average mind and enjoy high socieconomic status

24. sit and play dead 坐下且裝死

25. I got ya= I tricked you = I fooled you

26. fit in 融入~~什麼環境
ex: I have trouble fitting in with my co-worker thr first year at my

27. beamer = Mercedes benz 賓士

28.you the man= you are great

29. trouble oneself over sth = do not worry sth 煩惱某事

30. avoid question迴避問題

31. freak out 嚇到

32. I feel a little extra 覺得我自己是多餘的(三角戀或其他)

33. sort of = kind of =a little +adj(strange)

34. put your heart and soul into it 投注心血於其中

35. release some stress 放鬆心情

36. conversation/inspiration runs dry 話題已經變的枯燥乏味/沒有任何想法

37. your heart returns my call

38. complete my world

39. I am wide awake 我完全清醒

40. I am torn(tear的過去分詞)

41. illusion never change into something new

42. A passes for sth A被認為~~~(pass for用主動式)

43. blurrying the lines 搞不清這界線(分不清楚)

44. I am out of faith 我已經失去信心, 我已不再相信

45. on the go=moving
on the rise=incrasing

46. sojourn 短暫停留
=trip (often solo)

47. triple /double that number 增加兩倍

48. address one's concerns 滿足某人的需求
=be aware of that concerns,try to meet that concerns

49.become more knowledgeable about ~~更了解~~

50.savvy 懂
=have the practical knowledge and ability to deal with a situation
ex;after ten years, he is more savvy to his wife's needs.
ex;become more savvy to one's meeds

51.it is their time to themselves 是該留時間給他們自己

52.lifelong dream 終生夢想

53.tally 數目

54.sprout up 萌芽(=growing like sea)
=show early sign of growth
ex: travel package sprout up 套裝旅行正萌芽
ex: business is sprouting up in that area

55.god sled 狗拉的雪橇

56.canoe excursion 獨木舟旅行

57.appeal to younger women 吸引年輕的女性

58.shopping trip 購物旅行

59.room service delivery by female staff only.客房服務

60.lodge solo women on the ground floor 提供房間給...

61.April fool joke 愚人節笑話

62.water-stressed 用水吃緊的
water-short 用水短缺

63.sth. will take its toll=st has negative effects 將有負面影響

64.動物 wipe out=become extinct=annihilation of 動物

65.burgeoning 數目快速增加

66.a miracle or a menace驚奇或危險

67.be desperate to do sth 急迫做sth

68.shed 8kg

69. stroke(c)中風
heart attack(c)心臟病發
seizure 癲癇
psychotic episode精神病發

70. scoop of sth 最新內幕,獨家新聞

71.xx disease
terminal illness
lethal drug

72.debate over sth在某事有爭議

73.legion 大群人

74.keel over 昏倒(身體不舒服)

75.insomnia 失眠

76.Alzheimer's disease 阿茲海墨

77.grim picture 殘忍殘酷的畫面

78.slow the progression of disease

79.grant extra months of independence to patients

80. no way to know for sure of Alzhermer's
when it comes far too late, at autopsy

81. sb develop AD
