2009-01-31 08:45:52Eileen

’Thank you’, she said

It's hard for her to get over this
all the memories 
she has been through all of them and decided, 
maybe some of them should be kept deep inside and will never be found
and the others, should be gone, for good

finally, she come out with two words, 'thank you'

'thank u for letting me know i can be stronger than i thought' 
'thank u for trusting me even u didnt get mine in the end'
'thank u for the love i hav ever felt before' ,she cried
'thank u for understanding'
'thank u for breaking my heart and let me fix it alone'
'thank u for not keeping in touch after breaking up' ,she signed
'thank u for letting me realise the mistakes i hav made'
'thank u, i finally know who i am/was and who u r/were'
'thank u, now i know i can live alone happily, 
just like i told u, maybe we would be happier without each other in 2009 (i said 2008)' 

she smiled.