have been quite a long time since i last posted blog in pc this blog is seriously becoming rusty lol...
ahahahhaagot a skype account... could phone back to Malaysia... with cheaper rate =]I called my gran...
ahhh miss Malaysia so much, especially family, friends... and dxxx!!! who can fly me back?? sig...
想为你做件事 让你更快乐的事 好在你的心中埋下我的名字 求时间 趁著你 不注意的时候 悄悄地 把这...
todayy was okayy (:not really hyper, but was happy, as it is my bday (:I couldnt forget what was hap...
在你的记忆里面有一个我在你最痛苦的时候陪你度过难过过了 天晴朗了 我就走你拯救我的寂寞 我的痛我的梦在你...
long time din update this blog, cause... hmmm (:I miss tonnes of ppl, it's suffocating in my heart, ...
well, i tried to upload a lot of pic, but the pchome just displayed two of them... i dunno what's w...
me and jesemyme, wei, borhung, chien hao and steve (my cockroach brother)