2008-10-05 17:59:49Chien Luan

i miss them (:

long time din update this blog, cause... hmmm (:

I miss tonnes of ppl, it's suffocating in my heart, so i wanna express it

firstly, i miss my 1127 in malaysia so much, 34 days more n... (:   god dedicated my 1127 to me, i appreciated that! dont complain that i dont miss you if i do, kay??

then, i miss my naught naught en en so much (:

ur house is big... and knew that u have adapted to ur new school and make lots of new friends, like??u are lucky, you dont have to do Personal Project which suffering me a lot (somehow i found that it's kinda interesting)  Wan en, five side star miss you so much, u know??? already get used to the days that u arent here to kacau me, but still missing ur kacau a lot (: i'd better prepare something before step into ur house!!! and i wanna sleep ur king size bed!!! okay??? wan en, must come back to visit us kay???

I miss my LL so badly ):

LL, you r important to me from the start of the G9's second sem, but u leave me so soon... i knew u live well in ur own country... just chat with you like two times after u left, because of the time interval!! still, i miss you a lot... i din go to track after u left... apparently, i join track because of you, not shuai shuai lao shi! i joined drama backstage, perhaps, i could incharge for the lighting stuff (:  our Ah Ah Group never been together anymore after you left... like we talked to kevin a lot in math, but not charleen!! LL, come backkkk!!!!

我們的秘密日記.. 2008-11-10 21:21:55

Oh now.. i only see your blog XD
Is queen side bed
I miss u and five star... ><
Jersmey replace as me :D
well i do a better job then her XD
Anyway i donno when am i going to visit suzhou

Anyway i am not suppose to be using internet but still.... shhhh

Ah Lu/LL 2008-10-10 19:52:42

i miss u too la.... never online.... maybe come visit sometime....

1127 2008-10-08 15:39:59

i miss u too!! nope, 40days more from today......