2010-08-02 22:21:57陳小柏

Japan~See you.-7

  • Seventh Day~Eighth Day: 07/24(Sat.)~07/25(Sun.)

On Saturday moring we visited the beer company-Asahi, the biggest in Japan.

I liked it because we could drink free juice and beer.But I only drank juice because I hated beer's taste.



<Midori is good at drinking.>

<Yusuke&Byron drank different kinds of beer.>

<Orange doll>

<You can drink for free.>

<Because there are too many mainland Chinese tourists, the company employs some students overseas to communicate in Mandarin.(The boy looks like my classmate.>///<)>

At noon I ate the roast fish.It is really delicious.

In the afternoon, we went to the disaster prevention center. As if we were elementary school students.

<We were experiencing the earthquake.>


<Prvent the strong wind.>

<We are the firefighters.>

Later we went to the department store. I didn't want to walk so Midori & I went to eat ice.

Next we went to the summer festival. Teppei is really good at shooting the darts.

<He got the prize,Winnie the Pooh.>

There is also a temple.

<My classmate, Richard played fishing the ballons and got one.>

Because this night is the last night we stay in Japan, we had a farewell party.

First we exchange our gifts and information. As far as I am concerned, I will memorize somewhere because I have many good friends there. Although we are in different countries, we are still good friends.

<I miss you very much.>

After that, we went to drink.

<I think everyone is crazy.>

After drinking, we leaved for entertainment park. You can play video games, do the sports and sing. So I didn't sleep at that night.

<I stayed up all night.>///< >

On Sunday morning, we had to go to the airport. It is time to say goodbye.

Because of you, I have a wonderful week in Japan.Thank you. I will remember you forever.