2010-07-31 09:56:54陳小柏

Japan~See you.-6

  • Sixth Day:07/23(Fri.)

This moring, we went to visit the lab. Especially this is my first time to see dead people's bodies.But I don't feel scared. I am calm to cut the body. Oh~I am brave.


At noon,  we went to the port to eat seafood.



My lunch, sashimi.You can see many kinds.


<This is puffer fish.>


 <We ate beside the river.>

By the way, I bought a lot of special local food here. 


After lunch, we went through Kanmon Straits underground.



They would run.


The bridge


The weather is hot.



Next we arrived Mojiko Retro.There are many western houses.



Because I didn't want to walk, so I ordered a special ice cream.


At night we ate soba as our dinner.

After dinner, we took the cable car to see night view.

<I made a wish.>


The good night view.

<A Japanese friend who can speak Chinese.>



上一篇:Japan~See you.-5

下一篇:Japan~See you.-7

Pochen 2010-08-02 23:35:55


還有兩篇~記得要看完喔^^ 2010-08-03 17:27:39
小陽 2010-08-01 02:43:22

全都打英文 ==

是滴~ 2010-08-03 17:27:17