Van HalenNot Enough
對搖滾樂並無偏好,所以也沒有幾張搖滾樂CD。前天想起信宏借我的VAN HALEN精選輯。
會想起VAN HALEN,也是因為新玩具到位,甚麼都要拿來玩一下所致。真是很好奇,傳奇吉他手Eddy Van Halen的名曲Eruption會是怎樣風景?無奈,Eruption在信宏家試聽的時候,仍留在CD Player裡面,我這只有第二片。
VAN HALEN相當讓我驚奇。聽了三首之後--當然音量很大,我頭一回聽某種音樂聽到腦門充血、血壓上升、血脈賁張;VH有首名曲叫做JUMP,如果在現場,全場鐵定是跳翻天。或許大家老早經歷過,不如我這麼後知後覺。另個驚奇是,這個團水準實在太整齊了。一直對搖滾樂團有個錯誤印象:都是主唱撐起半邊天,吉他手佔剩下的一半,其他人就聊備一格,說是人肉布景也不為過。但VH不是,從主唱、吉他、貝斯、鍵盤、鼓手、作曲和編曲,水準整齊,而當所有角色都超水準演出的時候,樂團的魅力果真無與倫比,我想或許接近打開三溫暖大門,熱氣迎面而來的感覺,可能也有點像吃麻辣鍋吧,力道--從實體的聲響到抽象的渲染,真是緊緊掌控你,接著我不由自主地脫口而出:真是他媽的正!
專輯裡面,唯一一首勉強撐得上抒情搖準的曲子,叫做Not Enough。最近周圍許多朋友情海生波,心海翻騰,還滿適合聽Not Enough--不過他們好像沒在聽Van Halen??哈哈!總是希望能為它們做些甚麼,那就送一首歌。(現在電台好像很少來點播這套?以前好多。點播歌曲其實滿激勵也滿窩心的。)
這是一九九五年,Not Enough所屬專輯Balance問市時,脫口秀主持人David Letterman邀請VH現場表演Not Enough的影片。此時的主唱已非創團時主唱David Lee Roth,改成新主唱Sammy Hager;坦白說我覺得Sammy也算稱職,相對收斂的搖滾主唱,但若把主唱的性感狂野視為關鍵評比項目,那Sammy是比不上David Lee Roth的魅力。歌好聽,歌詞寫得也好,未必大家會讀,仍有歌詞如下:
To love somebody naturally
To love somebody faithfully
To love somebody equally
Is not enough, it's not enough
It's not enough
To love somebody secretly (And never touch)
To love somebody honestly (And always trust)
To love somebody tenderly
The tender touch is not enough
It's not enough
Love hurts you sometimes
It's not so easy to find, no
Searchin' everywhere, you turn and swear (Ahh-ahh-ahh)
It's always been there
To love somebody foolishly (Can happen once)
To love somebody hopelessly (It hurts so much)
To love somebody equally
Is not enough, it's not enough
It's not enough
Love takes a little time
It's not so easy to find, no, no
Searchin' everywhere, you turn and swear
It's always been there
(Guitar Solo)
Standin' there....
And if it don't come easily
One thing you must believe
You can always have trust in me
'Cause my heart will always be, yours honestly
Yeah! Love hurts you sometimes
Not so easy to find, no-oh
Searchin' everywhere, you turn and swear (Ahh-ahh-ahh)
It's always been there, standin' there
Love hurts you sometimes
It's not yours, it's not mine, no-oh
Love is only to share
You turn and swear (Ahh-ahh-ahh) it's everywhere
Standin' there (Ahh-ahh)
'Cause it's always been there
上一篇:Winstonized Bach by A. Tharaud