2004-06-27 11:51:11hc



2004/6/26 讀昆布《布魯姆日百年─談一位被遺忘的守護者》後,決定參考些資料作’keeper’的詞目。我雖然主要參考辭典和網頁


keeper noun [C]
1 a person who takes care of animals or is in charge of valuable objects, a building, etc:
1. 【人】 看守人,值班人,看守,守衛 /One who has the care, custody, or superintendence of
anything; as,例: the keeper of a park, a pound, of sheep, of
a gate, etc.; the keeper of attached property; hence, one
who saves from harm; a defender; a preserver.
a zoo keeper (動物園的)飼養員
a lighthouse-keeper

Towards the end of his life (he died last year), Walker invited Stephen Koppel, an assistant keeper at the British Museum, to look at his collection. Koppel was impressed. As far as the people at the prints and drawings department knew, there was no comparable modern print collection in Britain. In due course, Walker wrote to ask whether the department would like him to leave them some of his works in his will.
(取材One day his prints did come
Alexander Walker's British Museum bequest shows how good collectors work, writes James Fenton

The Lord is thy keeper. --Ps. cxxi. 6.
詩 篇 Psalms 121:5 [hb5] 保護你的是耶和華.耶和華在你右邊蔭庇你。
[kjv] The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
[bbe] The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.

「這本書的書名《My Brother’s Keeper─James Joyce’s Early Years》,直接源於聖經,但故事卻是反面的例證。那是聖經中頭一對兄弟:該隱和亞伯的悲劇故事,該隱因為敬拜神的事遷怒他的兄弟,把亞伯殺了,神來找該隱談話,問他弟弟哪去了,但當時該隱不但沒有悔意,還相當傲慢,他頂了一句話:「Am I my brother’s keeper?」〈我豈是看守我兄弟的?〉」(昆布:布魯姆日百年─談一位被遺忘的守護者 時間:2004-06-26 http://www.ylib.com/class/talkout/TalkShow.asp?object=req&no=654))

查The Bible
創 世 紀 Genesis4:8
[hb5] 該隱與他兄弟亞伯說話、二人正在田間、該隱起來打他兄弟亞伯、把他殺了。
[kjv] And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
[bbe] And Cain said to his brother, Let us go into the field: and when they were in the field, Cain made an attack on his brother Abel and put him to death.
4:9 [hb5] 耶和華對該隱說、你兄弟亞伯在哪裏.他說、我不知道、我豈是看守我兄弟的嗎。
[kjv] And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?
[bbe] And the Lord said to Cain, Where is your brother Abel? And he said, I have no idea: am I my brother's keeper?
4:10 [hb5] 耶和華說、你作了甚麼事呢、你兄弟的血、有聲音從地裏向我哀告。

2. 【informal (日常用語) a thing woth keeping】
《例句》 They were deciding which drawings are questionable and which are keepers.

4. 【人】 監護人
《例句》 {Keeper of the privy seal} (styled also lord privy seal), a
high officer of state, through whose hands pass all
charters, pardons, etc., before they come to the great
seal. He is a privy councillor, and was formerly called
{clerk of the privy seal}. [Eng.]

{Keeper of the great seal}, a high officer of state, who has
custody of the great seal. The office is now united with
that of lord chancellor. [Eng.]

{Keeper of the King's conscience}, the lord chancellor; -- a
name given when the chancellor was an ecclesiastic. [Eng.]
{Keeper of the forest} (O. Eng. Law), an officer who had the
principal government of all things relating to the forest.

5. 【人】 保管人,管理人 ;管他人者
《例句》 I would not stop him, I am his wife, not his keeper.
6. 【人】 經營者,老闆

7. 【人】 【體】 守門員 UK INFORMAL a goalkeeper/
goalkeeper UK [Show phonetics]
noun [C] (INFORMAL goalie, US goaltender)
the player who stands in the team's goal to try to stop the other team from scoring

8. 【事】 【美足】 (四分衛的)護球推進 the quarterback runs with the ball instead of handing it off or passing it.

3. 【人】 【英】 獵場看守人 gamekeeper noun [C]
a person whose job is to take care of wild animals and birds that are kept especially for hunting

9. 【人】 記錄員

14. 【物】 保磁鐵,永磁銜鐵 {Keeper of a magnet}, a piece of iron which connects the two
poles, for the purpose of keeping the magnetic power undiminished; an armature.

15. 【物】 耐藏的水果[蔬菜] . A fruit that keeps well; as, 《例句》 the Roxbury Russet is a good
keeper. -- Downing./Hazelnuts are good keeper.

16. 【動物】 【釣】大小達到規定標準而可捕捉並帶回的成魚
10. 【物】 (尤指為防止結婚戒指脫落而戴的)護戒頭

11. 【物】 使物體固定之裝置 ( 如緊鎖螺帽等 )

12. 【物】 卡子,鉤子

13. 【物】 (門上的)別孔,栓孔;(耳環的)夾子