2008-06-24 20:41:37魯魚

EUP Lot 11 Motors Final Report – DRAFT P58

EUP Lot 11 Motors Final Report – DRAFT –October 2007 58 of 109 3 Consumer analysis and local infrastructure Consumer behaviour can influence the environmental impact of the product during its life cycle. This section aims at identifying these user parameters and also the barriers to possible eco-design measures, due to social, cultural or infra-structural factors. 3.1 Identification of possible barriers to eco-design innovations Previous studies [1] [30] identified a number of constraints to the penetration of more efficient motors. 3.1.1 Market structure The motor market, particularly the low and medium power ranges, is largely an OEM market, in which OEM purchases represent 80-90 % of the sales. In the EU this large share of the market, combined with the higher EFF1 prices, which typically are 20-30% above EFF2 motors price, leads to a low penetration of EFF1 motors. OEM manufacturers tend to base their purchases on motor cost, since they will not pay the motor operating costs. 3.1.2 Efficiency of low importance When considering several alternative motors for an application, other factors such as availability, service, and known brand name are usually more important than efficiency. Although first cost is often regarded as being the principle barrier to the specification of EEMs, many users actually consider these other factors to be of at least the same importance. 3.1.3 Ambiguous definition of motor efficiency As mentioned above, diverse efficiency test methods result in different values causing some scepticism among purchasers regarding nominal efficiency. 3.1.4 Motors not interesting Motors are seen as being of low interest by many non-technical personnel, and the relatively small improvements in efficiency possible seem just too low to get very excited about. A site-wide approach is therefore a good option to promote, but this can involve considerable work to develop and to get all affected parties to agree to. 3.1.5 Split budgets There can be a situation in which one budget is used to spend money so that another budget can show savings. For instance, investing in new parts of a compressed air or pump system can be the responsibility of the maintenance department and earmarked for its budget, while the savings due to energy efficiency accrue to a budget of general costs. It also happens that the energy costs are not apportioned to individual production areas; another case where little incentive is generated to reduce energy use. 3.1.6 Stocks of old motors Many sites have stocks of older “salvaged” motors, and there is a natural tendency to use these “free” motors rather than purchase new motors.
(1.消費行為能夠影響產品在其生命週期內對環境的衝擊, 這段目的是解釋使用者的特性及實施環境化設計的措施可能遇到的障礙,像是社會,文化或基礎建設等因素. ) 3.1是環境化設計措施改革的障礙予以定義.之前的各項研究定義了一些高效率馬達的市場滲透的限制.)

2.(馬達市場,特別是中小型馬達範圍, 大部份都是OEM的市場,這其OEM的採購就佔了銷售金額的80-90%. 在歐盟,這樣大的市場佔有率部份是結合了較高的EFF1馬達的價格, 而EFF1馬達價格通常要比EFF2 馬達高約20-30%.,因此也導致EFF1馬達的低滲透. OEM製造商則傾向於將採購價以馬達成本為基礎, 因為他們不需負擔馬達的市場運作成本)


4.(如同上面所提到的,不同針對效率的測試方法會導致出不同的數值,也造成採購者對於規範內所 ”號稱”的效率值抱持著懷疑的態度。)



