2008-06-24 20:41:07魯魚

Motor standard P57

EUP Lot 11 Motors Final Report – DRAFT –October 2007 57 of 109 Brushless Electronically Commutated Permanent Magnet motors are one technology that has seen an increase in demand, especially in premium motion control applications. This type of motor is expected to gain market importance in the low power range [0,75-5 kW]. 無刷電子整流永磁馬達是一個需求逐漸增加的技術,特別是在優越動能控制的設備上. 預計這種型式的馬達會在小馬力的範圍(0.75-5KW)內贏得市場的重要地位.) The market for efficient motors in the EU has seen a significant transformation following the introduction of the CEMEP/EU agreement. EFF3 motors have essentially been removed from the market which is now dominated by EFF2 motors (87% of motors sold). This has been a positive development, but the penetration of EFF1 motors is still very small (9% of motors sold). On the other hand, the North American motor market, which has been subject to mandatory policies regarding motor efficiency since 1997 has witnessed a much more effective market transformation. EPAct motors (equivalent to EFF1 motors) and NEMA Premium motors (about 15% lower losses than EFF1 motors) now account for 70% of the market. It is to be noted that for motors using the same amount of active materials, leading to similar torque, the operation at 60 Hz will provide slightly higher efficiency, because although some losses increase with the frequency (e.g. the mechanical losses and magnetic losses) the output power increases more intensively. (歐盟市場上,在CEMEP/EU協定的提倡之下,效率馬達已經顯著地改變了. EFF3馬達其本上已從市場上消失,現在是由EFF2馬達所支配(約佔87%的馬達銷售),這是一個正面的發展,然而EFF1在市場上的滲透仍是非常的小(約佔馬達銷售的9%). 另一方面來說,受到1997年能源法案的限制,北美馬達市場已經見証了更多更效能的市場改變了. EPACT馬達(相等於EFF1馬達)及NEMA PREMIUM馬達(比EFF1還少15%的損失,現已在市場上佔約70%.) (值得注意的是,使用等量活躍材料的馬達,會有相同的扭力表現,以60HZ運轉時,可以提供較高的效能,因為雖然某些損失隨著頻率的增加而增加(像是機械損及電磁損),但同時輸出的動能也會增加的更為密集).