2004-10-05 14:50:45May


起源於 一個中國人因為不滿朋友自稱台灣人而做人身攻擊

不過這個中國人,顯然因朋友此舉受到驚嚇 並且在協調會上說另一套說詞 胡言亂語


有時候受不了的話 就上bbs和憤青吵吵架


所以 我將這封信貼在此處

Official Complaint

To: Department of East Asian Language and Culture, UXXX

From: XXX, Teaching Associate

Date: July 9, 2004

Subject: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress by Another Teaching Associate of the Department

What happened:

I was both threatened with the safety of my person and was subject to extremely abusive language by another Teaching Associate, XXX, in Royce Hall B02 from around 10:30 to 11:00 am, on 07/08/04.

Immediately before the incident I was grading students' homework in the office. Two other Teaching Assistants (TA, hereafter), were chatting about their living experiences in China. One of them displayed to me a map of Taiwan on the screen of his computer and asked which part I am from. I answered that I am from the southwestern coast of Taiwan. Upon hearing my answer, the TA said, “You Taiwanese had better not pursue independence, or we will surely attack you with gunfire!”

I was totally shocked. I simply did not expect the absolute verbal violence to happen in our department, let alone in my office. I told him that I am anti-war, and the least thing I want is that my home to be under gunfire. I said that I do not think violence or threat of violence should ever been justified.

However, he told me that Taiwanese people deserve to be destroyed by war, because we are not obedient to Chinese government. Once again, he assured me that military attack will be launched upon Taiwan, and my people will lose the war.

I was distressed by his threats. I told him that I want no more of such discussion. I also reminded him that as a matter of basic politeness and mutual respect, nobody should ever approach a person and make rude remarks about the place where he is from.

He said, “but our military attack is entirely legal, because Taiwan is a part of China, and you do not obey us. Your country will either be invaded by us or will be under the military control of the US. Your people have no power and no chance to survive the war!” Then he kept saying how hopeless Taiwan is, and how stupidly unrealistic my people are.

I felt humiliated. I told him that I care about people from Taiwan, and I consider myself as a Taiwanese, not a Chinese. Then I repeated that I do not wish to continue any political discussion with him.

Upon hearing this, he raised his voice and said, “how dare you say that you are not a Chinese! I am furious to hear that!”

I was stunned, and felt very uncomfortable, since I have always considered self-identity as a personal freedom. I did not expect his anger. I reminded him that I can hold myself out as a Taiwanese or an American or whomever I feel comfortable with, and this right shall be respected. I told him that it is my freedom to identify myself as whomever, and I respect his own self identity as well.

However, he said that I “offended” him by saying that I am not a Chinese. He repeated several times that Taiwanese people are being unrealistic about the political situations and that Taiwan would definitely be invaded by Chinese troops in the near future.

I fell silent, sensing that the conversation would simply agonize me even more. So I stood up and packed my stuff, and told him, “I understand that your idea stems from your education and cultural background. But as a matter of basic manner, I do not appreciate anyone to threat and humiliate me or the place I am from. Nothing can justify this behavior, regardless of any political opinions. We are not in China now. We are in the US. Please be respectful.”

He did not stop. In fact, his hurtful remarks continued even after I walked out of my office, the place where I have every right to remain inside free from such outrageous behavior. His threats would be considered as parallel to the threats which some of the Arabs have made against the Israelis. I understand that he feels justified in his treatment of me as he views me and what I represent as being ideologically in error. A threat from an Arab to an Israeli student in the schoolwork environment would not be tolerated. He threatened me as a person, escalating his anger when I would not give him the answer he desired.

After the incident, I was deeply distressed. I had much difficulty maintaining my composure for the rest of the day. I have been regarded as a highly competent Teaching Associate. My job in the Department of EALC has been a personal source of delight to me because of the friendly interaction I have with my students and colleagues. It was a total surprise that someone in my work place would subject me to such abusive remarks that were threatening and harassing. This person did not stop his behavior when I asked him to end his interaction with me.

I, therefore, decide to file this complaint. Here are the reasons. First, language that is used to intentionally inflict emotional pain upon another shall be strictly prohibited. Second, acts that display threats could even be legally pursued. Third, the disrespect, even insult of another’s self- identity shall not be tolerated at all. Last but not least, the oppression of minority of nationality in the working place shall be absolutely barred. I hereby require redress from the department on this incident and preserve my right of legal action toward the person who intentionally committed tortious behavior to me.