2019-07-13 18:30:42yguuyiwocuiu

【限時折扣】NUK 自然母感 哺乳套裝 本周活動優惠中


購買的NUK 自然母感 哺乳套裝












NUK Nature Sense Breastfeeding Set

The premium Nature Sense Breastfeeding Set by NUK is an all-round carefree package for all new moms who do not want to miss out on a modern lifestyle despite the new and turbulent everyday life with their baby.

Breastmilk is best for babies and breastfeeding is also known for promoting the bonding between mother and baby in a very special way. But sometimes new mothers also need a break from breastfeeding or simply find it impossible to breastfeed their baby due to situational factors. With the NUK Nature Sense Breastfeeding Set, you will benefit from more flexibility and independence during the breastfeeding period.

The NUK manual breast pump Jolie does not only make expressing breastmilk very simple, but also gentle and efficient. With the ergonomically shaped pump lever, which feels particularly good when holding it in the hand, you can easily regulate the pumping strength and rhythm individually. The unique nubs on the soft breast cushion stimulate the milk flow and ensure a pleasant feeling while the milk is being expressed at the same time.

The set also contains the super convenient NUK Nature Sense baby bottles, which can also be combined with the manual breast pump by using an adaptor. This allows you to pump, store and feed breastmilk at the same time without having to transfer it.

The practical silicone closing plate prevents liquids from leaking and ensures that the breast milk can be stored safely. Thanks to the container included in delivery, you can also freeze the breastmilk effortlessly. NUK's manual breast pump Jolie can be combined with all NUK Nature Sense and First Choice baby bottles.

The special NUK Nature Sense drinking teat features several tiny openings which are modelled on the milk channels of a mother's breast. This way, your baby is offered a familiar feeling when drinking from the teat as well as a natural drinking flow. The tip of the teat is very soft and adapts to the mouth of your baby, just like the nipple of mom's breast. An innovative anti-colic vent allows your baby breast-like drinking and prevents them from swallowing air and having discomfort.

Tried and tested quality - Made in Germany!


1 x NUK manual breast pump Jolie incl. breastmilk container and breast pump adapter

2 x NUK Nature Sense baby bottles (150 ml each) made of polypropylene, BPA-free

2 x NUK Nature Sense Silicone teats in size S for tea/ breast milk (0-6 months)

Innovative NUK 拍賣anti-colic vent

2 silicone開箱 closing plates, 1 x screw ring

1 x Sample Set NUK Ultra Dry Comfort breast cushion人氣禮品推薦




NUK 自然母感 哺乳套裝





40歲女逛菜市場衰染登革熱! 高雄想「養魚殺蚊」疾管署這樣說…


MLB╱馬林魚釋出高薪球員 2原因讓陳偉殷交易可能性低

: 馬林魚隊持續有意願出清高薪球員,台灣左投陳偉殷自然也名列其中,不過,由於他的薪資太高,加上有健康隱憂,實際上交易成功的可能性並不大。

馬林魚隊今年春訓投捕報到日為2月13日,在春訓開始前都還有可能進行交易,高薪球員除了陳偉殷外,還有二壘手卡斯楚(Starlin Castro)以及三壘手普拉多(Martin Prado)。普拉多今年薪資為1500萬,卡斯楚則是1100萬,自然是馬林魚隊想要清除的對象。

陳偉殷離開邁阿密的可能性並不大,除非是跟其他交易綁在一起,例如瑞爾穆托(J.T. Realmuto)的交易案。捕手瑞爾穆托是馬林魚陣中洽詢度最高的交易對象,多支球隊都積極洽詢,不過都沒有下文。




NUK 自然母感 哺乳套裝

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