2006-07-27 20:09:08 Loolooemily's

[遊記] The New Forest

We went for an adventure in New forest on Tuesday. Finally, I had another opportunity to go off and exploring the countryside.

I had no lecture in the day, but I have lecture the next day. So, it’s only allow me took a free day off to somewhere close by. There are lots of great hiking areas just not far away from here, and the final conclusion we decided to spent the day in the Forest. We head down to New Forest, in the south of England, which granted the eighth England national forest, to check out the stunning English village, and exploring the secret of New Forest.





It took a little over an hour to get there. Along the way to [Brockenhurst], there are so many donkeys, cows and big horses meandering along the sides of the road and some of them stood still in front of our car tried to obstructing the traffic. We stared at each other’s eyes, Ha-ha …it was funny!  He/She must be thinking “"What the hell are you doing here!?"….   



The day started out cloudy but after noon, the sun started to peek in through the tall trees. It was an absolutely gorgeous day for a walk in the forest, seeing lots of cows, horses, deer and cutie ponies. There was a little trail around that we could drive along so we did stopping to have a wander and to take some photos.

I’d very much enjoyed the short dayoff.

 It was another beautiful day. Definitely!