2007-08-09 06:53:13 Loolooemily's

[遊記] 英國南部海邊 Whitstable




05/08/2007 是英國今年夏天最炎熱的一天﹐三十多攝氏度的炎熱天氣﹐



 Whitstable on the North Kent coast of the UK. The town lies just 60 miles East of London and 6 miles North of the cathedral city of Canterbury. As a fishing port, Whitstable is famous for its oysters and appreciated by many for its quaint architecture and stunning sunsets.

Whitstable harbour was built in 1832 by the Canterbury and Whitstable railway company in order to serve the "Crab and Winkle" line, the world's first passenger railway service. The Crab and Winkle line also carried coal, and linked Canterbury and London via a steam ship from Whitstable harbour.

By 1849, the town was reported in the local press as "Prospering rapidly thanks to the harbour and railways." During the second world war, the harbour was used to transport munitions and grain, and sustained very little damage, however, it fell into disrepair, and was only kept alive by a group of local people after the closing of the Crab and Winkle line in 1952.

After a town referendum, the Whitstable Urban District Council bought the harbour and repairs began. By 1963, the first R.N.L.I crew was recruited from local harbour users, and their presence is still highly valued today. In 1947, the harbour came under the administration of Canterbury City Council, and now covers fourteen acres, with three quays. About 150 local people are employed by the harbour, where fishing, fish processing, coal and timber transport are still the main business activities.

The harbour fish markets are popular with locals and visitors alike, and a restaurant is also situated in the harbour, ready to serve up the day's catch. In the summer months, visitors flock to the stalls which spring up to delight their customers with all manner of fresh sea food, including the famous Whitstable oysters.




從 Guildford 開車到 Whitstable 大約 一個半小時﹐早上 8 點出發﹐九點多就抵達目的地。












炎熱的夏天﹐賣冰淇淋的生意好好喔~ 大家都在排隊買冰淇淋來消消暑。


小聲的說喔~  其實味道一般﹐不過一枝才 £1 的冰淇淋﹐

倒是 “物價美廉”的一大消暑品呢﹗





Whitstable 名產之一﹐新鮮的生蠔和海鮮﹐當然還是沒有亞洲的海鮮來得多選擇和豐富﹐

不過跟英國其他地方比起來已經算多選擇了。那裡的生蠔真的又大又甘甜﹐六個 £3.50﹐加了辣椒醬和檸檬汁﹐真的好好吃喔﹗


那裡也有賣生的龍蝦﹐還會動的那種喔~﹗我跟朋友都好想買一隻回家的阿~ 像照片那好大一隻﹐好像才 £30耶﹗﹗

不過因為接著我們還計劃要到距離 Whitstable 不遠的另一個城市 Canterbury﹐顧慮到這炎熱的天氣﹐龍蝦恐怕會悶死在車上﹐只好作罷了  我的龍蝦大餐﹐拜拜嚕﹗angel





午餐我們選擇在 Tubor Restaurant﹐一間很有英國味道的小餐廳﹐

我們點了下午套餐 3 course £8.95﹐

前菜我們點了蔬菜湯﹐Main Course 我點了 Beef roast﹐ 朋友點了炸魚﹐ 

甜點﹐朋友點了水果冰淇淋 ﹐我點了 Raspberries & apple pie with custard.

Overall﹐味道還 OK﹐不過氣氛倒是不錯﹐算物價美廉 的一餐。






不久一個英國小男孩手裡拿著一盒 Bacon﹐開心的跑過來跟他的同伴們說他找到一包 Bacon 可以用來當魚餌~ 我倒是第一次看見用bacon 來釣魚的耶﹐魚也喜歡吃 bacon的嗎﹖






 Whitstable 是一個可愛的地方﹐有著可愛的小街﹐悠閑的海邊﹐











(悄悄話) 2007-10-19 08:44:21
(悄悄話) 2007-08-11 20:42:20
(悄悄話) 2007-08-10 19:08:50