2018-07-13 21:17:54ycy624ge20

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註冊本科生或研究生 有興趣且能夠至少實習3個月, 近期入職 英語能力優秀 Enrolled undergraduate or graduate students Interested in and available to contribute at least three months, and able to join the team as soon as possible English Proficiency Level: Proficient 我們期待有興趣的實習生能夠在實習期內完成下列主要任務:


Interns will have the opportunity to work closely with international and interdisciplinary team members in a multicultural environment and participate in local and international academic events. Selected interns will gain valuable work experience and a global perspective. Outstanding interns can get a recommendation or a reference letter from the Center to gain a competitive edge in achieving personal career goals.

To apply for an internship opportunity at the Center, please send your CV/Resumeand indicate your available internship periodin an email with the subject line "Name-University-Major"to beijing.cgc@columbia.edu. After reviewing the applications, we will contact and arrange interviews with a short list of qualified candidates.

哥倫比亞大學全球中心的建立源自李·佈林格校長對哥倫比亞大學全球戰略的洞見,2009年至今,哥倫比亞大學已經在全球九個國傢和城市建立瞭全球中心。哥倫比亞大學全球中心 | 北京成立於2009年3月,作為哥大在華孕婦滴雞精何時喝|懷孕喝滴雞精的好處官方行政機構,哥大北京中心旨在將哥倫比亞大學帶到中國,加強哥大與中國的學術交流與合作,同時也將中國的最新發展動態和人才帶回到哥大的校園中,催生新的學習和研究。中心的核心項目主題包括藝術與文化、工程與應用科學、城市規劃與公共健康,能源與可持續發展,以及創新創業等。

To assist in the management of the Beijing Center's social media platforms, including translating and editing the Center's news articles; To assist in the event planning, event on-site management, and event recap, including preparing materials, registration, note taking, photographing, event news writing, and etc; To assist analytical research and data management; To assist the Beijing Center's promotion materials design, using Photoshop or InDesign; To assist in the promotion of the Beijing Center's programs and events. 優秀的中英文互譯能力 具有社交媒體平臺運營經歷,包括微信公眾號、微博、視頻網站、H5等 熟練使用Office辦公軟件 善於鉆研,對國內外熱點問題、國際教育有一定瞭解 具有攝影和平面設計能力者更佳 Excellent language skills in both English and Chinese; Have experience in social media management, including WeChat, Weibo, and etc; Good command of Microsoft office tools; Strong research skill, and have basic understanding on domestic and international issues and global education Photography or graphic design ability is a plus 實習生將有機會和國際化的跨學科團隊在多元文化的辦公環境中一起工作,有機會參與國內和國際的學術類活動,與哥倫比亞大學教授和世界各國學者面對面。入選者將獲得寶貴的工作經驗和全球化的視野。表現優異的實習生還將獲得中心的推薦信,增強未來職場個人競爭力。

協助哥大全球中心 | 北京項目的跟進,包括檢索和整理相關資料庫、數據庫 協助哥大北京中心社交媒體平臺(微信、微博等)的日常維護,包括編譯和編排各類文稿及新聞等 運用Photoshop、InDesign等圖像處理工具,協助設計哥大北京中心的宣傳物料 協助哥大北京中心活動的前期組織、現場支持、後期整理等相關工作,包括準備活動所需材料、來賓登記、會議記錄和拍攝、活動新聞撰寫等 協助哥大北京中心項目、活動的推廣 We highly expect interns to have interests and talents in the following aspects:

Columbia Global Centers | Beijing was established in March 2009 as one of the first in the network of Columbia Global Centers. As an official administration of the University in China, the Center’s major programmatic themes include Arts, Culture History; Engineering Applied Science; Urban Planning Public Health; Environment Sustainability; and Business, Innovation Entrepreneurship.


The Center runs an active public events program of lectures, seminars, and panel discussions, featuring Columbia faculty and local experts on diverse topics. The Center hosts various student programs throughout the year to engage Columbia undergraduate and graduate students, young scholars, and alumni in China and to provide exchange opportunities, including pre-departure orientation for new students, CU community social gatherings, and study program workshops. The Center also supports alumni with their academic exchange and social gathering activities. 返回搜狐,查看更多


原標題:【Call for Interns】 哥倫比亞大學全球中心 | 北京實習生招募中

【Call for Interns】 哥倫比亞大學全球中心
