2003-07-29 13:58:59kathy

【城鄉情影】The Wind Shows the Way

The things we see are
sometimes there, sometimes not,
and sometimes something else altogether.
Seeing is not always believing and believing may be seeing.

To feel, touch and think
are all different.
Or are they all the same?
Threads that weave our decisions,
laying down a carpet that we follow -
Our life.

Feel... then touch...
then think about how you feel.
For emotion is as true a compass
as the weathervane shows the wind,
as true a signal of happiness and sadness
As laughter is of joy.
And the cause of that happiness, sadness or joy is the wind.

Reason exists simply to figure out
what it is that we feel.

Wherefor trust our feelings?
How can we be sure that what we feel is right?
What type of person am I?
Tolerant? Loving? Kind?
Gentle? Compassionate?

First become what is right,
then trust in your feelings.

The wind shows the way.

影像﹕日落愛琴海時分﹐攝於伊亞 (Oia)﹐希臘 Santorini 島北部美麗的斷崖之城。