2003-07-28 07:55:32kathy
Ouzo, 是希臘特產的名酒﹐材料考究﹐以壓榨的葡萄調和茴香 (star anise and fennel)、 胡荽 (coriander)、丁香 (cloves) 、白芷根 (angelica root) 、甘草 (licorice) 、薄荷 (mint) 、白珠樹油 (wintergreen)、榛實 (hazelnut)﹐甚至於肉桂 (cinnamon) 和萊姆果 (lime blossom) 等香料﹐蒸餾﹐冷卻﹐置放數月後再稀釋而成﹐酒精濃度高達 40-46% 。
對於希臘人來說﹐ouzo 就像茶道一般﹐是一門藝術﹐也是一種生活的方式。酒本身好不好喝也許並不是那麼重要﹐與誰一起享受其中滋味才更為重要。在步調緩慢的希臘小島村落﹐白天或夜晚﹐點一份 mezedes or meze (沙拉、豆子、起司、香腸、或是餐館其他特別小點)﹐伴隨著一兩杯 ouzo﹐與三五好友們一起閒聊﹐慢慢消磨時間﹐享受生命的美好﹐是多麼的愜意。
今朝有酒今朝醉﹐oh what the hell!
〝What the Hell〞
Cheer yourself up when you are at a loose end, or when everything seems to have gone wrong, with this simple but delicious concoction.
4-6 cracked ice cubes (碎冰塊)
Dash of lemon juice (檸檬汁)
1 measure gin (琴酒)
1 measure apricot brandy (白蘭地)
1 measure dry vermouth (苦艾酒)
Twist of lemon peel, to decorate (檸檬皮﹐裝飾用)
1. Put the cracked ice cubes into a mixing glass. Dash the lime juice over the ice and pour in the gin, apricot brandy and vermouth. Stir well to mix.
2. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and decorate with a twist of lemon peel.
影像﹕瓶中的 Fira 日落﹐攝於希臘小島 Santorini 首都。
對於希臘人來說﹐ouzo 就像茶道一般﹐是一門藝術﹐也是一種生活的方式。酒本身好不好喝也許並不是那麼重要﹐與誰一起享受其中滋味才更為重要。在步調緩慢的希臘小島村落﹐白天或夜晚﹐點一份 mezedes or meze (沙拉、豆子、起司、香腸、或是餐館其他特別小點)﹐伴隨著一兩杯 ouzo﹐與三五好友們一起閒聊﹐慢慢消磨時間﹐享受生命的美好﹐是多麼的愜意。
今朝有酒今朝醉﹐oh what the hell!
〝What the Hell〞
Cheer yourself up when you are at a loose end, or when everything seems to have gone wrong, with this simple but delicious concoction.
4-6 cracked ice cubes (碎冰塊)
Dash of lemon juice (檸檬汁)
1 measure gin (琴酒)
1 measure apricot brandy (白蘭地)
1 measure dry vermouth (苦艾酒)
Twist of lemon peel, to decorate (檸檬皮﹐裝飾用)
1. Put the cracked ice cubes into a mixing glass. Dash the lime juice over the ice and pour in the gin, apricot brandy and vermouth. Stir well to mix.
2. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and decorate with a twist of lemon peel.
影像﹕瓶中的 Fira 日落﹐攝於希臘小島 Santorini 首都。