2008-10-22 00:27:23希缘

tired days?!arghs!!!

Start skul for 2 weeks adi,tml the assignment presentation would be started and luckly my group stil have sufficient time for prepare it.But this fews days really make me in trouble n tired,since have 2 different group members,and unluckly both presentation also crashed in the same week.Arghs...really make me headache,2day when i want started my assignment but it really so many n many.When i look for the information i found feel sleepy adi.Then i go ahead sleep until afternoon.After i wake up,no moody for it also then i juz put it away.Yesterday when i search the info nd for assignment really feel tired,actually many i can search but plenty of them also not suitable for my assignment also.Haix...I think my tired days will continue until week 5 de since when that time all work also settle adi.But now,juz can go ahead for it and add more oil for it.

上一篇:rushing for assignment!!
