2008-10-21 02:15:40希缘

rushing for assignment!!

Haix,from now start on,i think i will be very busy and tired.Since juz have 2 subject this sem but unluckly my presentation n due date for assignment crashed adi,so i need rush my time for complete them together.Long time didn't have presentation adi,so feel nervous also,but i will gambateh with my groupmate de.^^ One day gone adi,the result haven release also,so i think maybe tomorrow will be tha day for it.Yesterday night time,when i on9 searching information and data for my both assignment,after fews hours i sit in front my laptop,i really feel tired only.When i lay on my lovely bed,i straight away  sleep adi.If not disturbing by my hsemate,i think i will wake up when tomorrow morning de.I think really insufficient time for my assignment and presentation,nd rush rush time on it.hahah...

As a habit,my university always have the blood donation..Besides my first sem hav take part on it,until this short sem,really long time didn't go for it.So tomorrow after my lecture class,i decide go for it with my groupmate de.But my several hsemate also scared it, so most of them also seldom donate their blood de.Stil remember when i donate my blood 1st time,when i back my hse,my mum scolded me when she saw the bruise on my hand.The nurse tell me that it's normal  phenomenon,so i also didn't care it.But after i donate the blood ,my both hand really feel stil have pain.Because of my small vascular,so ppl juz donate one side of hand but i donate both side of hand,since the blood not enough for the pack.Then my both hand also have bruise.I think it should be a memory for me also.^^

上一篇:my future way

下一篇:tired days?!arghs!!!