2008-10-20 01:07:40希缘

my future way

since i'm 20 yrs old now,maybe stil have the long way for me in the future.Although now,i didn't have any idea or plan about my future life,but i stil feel glad bacause i have the ability to decide my future.Stil have one year,then i will graduate from university,but studying is my hobbies and responsibility for my parents.So besides studying well,i also didn't know what will be my another hobbies?Maybe is sleeping?or watching tv programme?or online searching?

Although be adult now,but feel that little freedom i have.But it's not causes by my parents,from young until now,sometimes will feel the stress from my parent,but not for long time.Tomorrow i think should be my last sem'result release day,but i got little confidence also.^^Hopes i can get the excellent results for last sem.

The new sem started already,juz have 7 weeks,so i think it should be going very soon,haha.I enjoy the studying life but i hate the examination.Since last sem i scared it until cry,maybe i really feel strongly stress also.My future way sure would have my lovely family members and friends also.In the future,i just can say that :fight for our life!!